Coffee Percs

I knew how important a good cup of coffee was, especially if a fella hasn’t had any for a while, so we took time to make a pot.”
–Lou Bradshaw

Come in pard; throw your ankles under the table and I’ll pour you a cup.  Looked to see if you were comin’ over as I listened to the pot perk.  Sure hope you had a good week.  At least you made it through, seein’ that you’re here.
I was listenin’ to a couple of kids talk the other day about some coffee that they had.  If sounded more like the ingredients for a cake.  I just don’t understand why they want to go an’ mess up a good cup of coffee with all of that junk they throw in.  Now, I know some like a bit of cream, and some even put a dap of sugar in, but some of that other stuff?  Well, they even said something about whippin’ it up.  That just ain’t right.
Take a sip, how’s that?  Ahhhh, that’s good coffee.  Say did you read where the CEO of Starbucks made some comments against traditional marriage.  Makes me wonder how he figures he came into this world.  Well, I don’t buy the stuff there.  I’ll drink it if it’s handed to me, but sure won’t give them one of my dimes.
Try and figure this out–the argument about transgender.  What in the world in goin’ on in this world?  Don’t let anyone dare tell you that the devil ain’t out there spewing forth confusion.  Didn’t read the article, but the title from one “journalist” was, “Trump takes biology over psychology.”  We just need to get back to the basics of life, but don’t reckon that’s gonna happen.  The devil is out there spewin’ his lies, and folks are just gonna follow their father.  Sure glad I have my heavenly Father watchin’ over me.
Be careful as you travel.  Accordin’ to the one educated fellow the world is flat.  In my mind I just see a piece of cardboard earth flyin’ through space.  Know what’s worse?  His teammates won’t tell him he’s wrong.  Guess they realize you can’t fix stupid. So make sure that cinch is tight before you mount.

Echoes from the Campfire

Nobody in his right mind invites difficulties, you simply cope with those that do arise.  But you don’t try to avoid your duties.”
–Louis L’Amour  (The Californios)

“But my people are not so reliable, for they have deserted me; they burn incense to worthless idols.  They have stumbled off the ancient highways and walk in muddy [trails].”
–Jeremiah 18:15 (NLT)

The Daily Paine

A flabby mind is no bade of spiritual honor.”
–J.P. Moreland

“He kept an on-deck list of books, but unfortunately, it never diminished.”
–John Vermillion

One thing I have always believed in, though not always practiced, is the idea that we are supposed to study to show ourselves approved.  My mercy!  If we could get this through to our students today, but with a “ho-hum” attitude it is hard. 
I realize that it is speaking of studying and knowing God’s Word, but we are also supposed to do everything as unto the Lord.  When I taught Bible classes, the first unit I would teach was “Reading as Worship.”  Today, people, not just youth, are so tied and actually devoted to their devices.  Call them “smart phones”, but actually they tend to move us toward dependency and not toward study and knowledge.
As far as Christian study is concerned there are really two types:  devotional reading and intellectual reading.  Devotional reading is usually short and there is not a real purpose to learn something new.  The goal of devotional reading is to nourish the soul; to become more aware of God and in developing a relationship.  Intellectual reading involves time and study.  There are particular purposes or goals which are to gain knowledge and to improve oneself and ministry.
We should also develop professional reading.  This enhances our career, plus it should be part of doing everything as unto the Lord.  We should seek to become the best we can professionally, and part of that is gaining knowledge about our profession.  As a history teacher I would spend the summer reading books on areas in which I felt I was weak.  There should also be general reading in which we read to gain knowledge about other subjects.  This can also include fictional works because they give insight into our culture.
J.P. Moreland wrote that we say we love God with all our heart, but we often forget the rest of the Scripture.  We are to love Him with all of our mind as well.  To do this we must get rid of “flabby minds.”  Our minds should be strong.  However, in all that is read, it is imperative that it be filtered through God’s Word.
For some reason the list of books that I want to read keeps getting longer.  I fully understand what Vermillion means when he states that his list of books is never diminished.  It’s hard to be bored or in bad company if a person has a quality book under his arm, and yes, I will have to include books on Kindle.  The danger in that is that my list grows even larger.
By the way, if you have a good book that you would suggest I should read send the title to me.  I’ll check it out and it may get onto my never-ending list.

“Study and be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to God approved (tested by trial), a workman who has no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzing and accurately dividing [rightly handling and skillfully teaching] the Word of Truth.”
–2 Timothy 2:15 (AMPC)

Echoes from the Campfire

Water out, sonny.  Never leave a waterin’ place without your take on a-plenty.”
–Elmer Kelton  (Stand Proud)

“For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a [trail] through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.”
–Isaiah 43:19 (NLT)