The Daily Paine

Turmoil, terror, anxiety, and fear mark the lives of many in this world today.  For a century or more the cry has been for peace, but there is no peace.  The world is in the throes of confusion.  This has caused the soul to languish in fear, maybe apathy, cynicism, and hopelessness.  My, oh my; woe is me, I am undone, but this is not the cry of the soul within the Christian.

          “God’s abiding peace is in my soul today,
           Yes, I feel it now, yes I feel it now;
           He has taken all my doubts and fears away,
           Tho’ I cannot tell you how.”
                    –Elisha A. Hoffman

Because of Christ there is not only hope, but sweet rest.  Rest is one of those wonderful blessings.  There should be no tossing and turning at night but the ability to lay down in rest because of Jesus.  In one aspect there is that deep-seated hope that the rapture will occur and waiting for it is the rapture found in the heart.  No matter what happens salvation is sure and secure and I can move through this world with a restful mind, soul, and body.

          “He has wrought in me a sweet and perfect rest,
           In my raptured heart I can feel it now;
           He each passing moment keeps me saved and blest,
           Floods with light my heart and brow.”

Despite the cry of the world; despite its despair the heart can sing.  The words are truer today than ever before, “the joy of the Lord is my strength.”  When weariness comes, especially in the spiritual arena and strength is needed, we should not be lacking in joy.  It is in the midst of the battle that we can find true joy for the Lord is there with us.  When we are down, we need to be quickened and remember the vows that we made to the Lord for they are still valid.

          “He has given me a never-failing joy,
           Oh, I have it now!  oh, I have it now!
           To His praise I will my ransomed pow’rs emply,
           And renew my grateful vow.”

Journeying through this life we should be walking with assurance.  Our hearts should be thrilled with the thought that the Almighty God is with us day-by-day.  The Holy Spirit is there to guide, direct, and teach through the day.  Imagine that, walking with God, being filled with His Spirit.  My mercy!  That makes a person want to shake off any shackles that might be there.

          “Oh, the love of God is comforting my soul,
           For His love is mine, yes, His love is mine!
           Waves of joy and gladness o’er my spirit roll,
           Thrilling me with life divine.

                    It is mine, (this priceless treasure) mine, blessed be His name!
                    He has given peace, perfect peace to me;
                    It is mine, (this priceless treasure) mine, blessed be His name!
                    Mine for all eternity!”

Talk about security–it is mine!  Talk about stability–it is mine!  Talk about joy everlasting–it is mine!  Talk about a priceless treasure–it is mine!  Talk about the ability to face life–it is mine!

Echoes from the Campfire

He’s still a tenderfoot and he’ll be one even if he stays out here the rest of his life.”
–John Benteen  (Fargo)

“They asked each other, ‘Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?'”
–Luke 24:32 (NLT)

The Saga of Miles Forrest

I was sitting there just before the morning rush.  For the past few months I have been getting up with Molly and walking her to the eatery.  She opened the doors around 6:30 so there was plenty to get done early.  I usually started the fire in the stove and it was still cool enough in the mornings to put one in the stove where the folks ate, plus get the coffee going.  Molly would busy herself in the kitchen and Marta and her mother would show up around 6:00. 
Spring was here and many of the men were up at the mines looking for work.  Some went back to jobs they left in the fall, and others were hopeful of finding jobs.  With the winter over, there were even those who went out in search of that all illusive gold on their own.
“Biscuits will be ready in a few minutes,” said Molly.  “Gravy is being stirred as I speak.”
We sat there enjoying the moments and sipped our coffee.
“Think Trenton will be caught in California?” she asked.
I looked around; I really don’t know what for as we were the only ones in the eatery.  “I don’t think he even went to California.”
She looked at me.  I continued, “He is too smart to leave a clue like that.  I figured he went back to Denver to look for Ferguson or maybe down to Galveston to catch a ship out of there.”
“Let me go check…” and as she started to get up Marta was bringing us both a plate full of biscuits covered with sausage gravy. 
“And just for you Mr. Miles,” she rushed back to the kitchen.  Smiling she held in her hand a plate with a fried egg and the lifted the egg to the top of my gravy. 
I looked at Molly.  “That girl is spoiling you!” said Molly.  “I think I need to put a stop to it.”  She acted as if she was going to get up and I grabbed her arm. 
At that moment the door opened.  Customers, and wouldn’t you know it.  The first customer was Bartholomew.  He walked to the table and I noticed that he still had a little black under one eye. 
“Mister Bartholomew,” said Molly.  “Sit down and I’ll pour you a cup of coffee.  Would you like anything to eat?”
I saw him eyeing my breakfast.  He looked at Molly.  “Any chance I could get some sausage and eggs?”
Marta was standing near, “I’ll get them started, Miss Molly.”
Bartholomew looked over at me.  “I received a telegram from the Denver office.  It was reported that a man with Trenton’s description was in the city a couple of weeks back,” he hesitated.  “They want you to come to Denver.  Do you have a problem with that?”
I looked at Molly.  “No, don’t reckon I do.”
“Good, I’ve already purchased your ticket and we’ll leave tomorrow on the first train out.”
“Want to go with me, Molly?  We can get a feel of the place and it might help us make our decision.”
She put her hand on my arm and squeezed.  “Marta should be able to handle things here, and Eliana is a good cook.”  She was getting a little excited.  “And Lucas is well enough to chop the wood again.”
“Guess that answers my question.”  I looked at Bartholomew.  “Go buy another ticket when you’re through here.”
He started to protest.  “Wells Fargo won’t pay…”
I cut him off.  “If they don’t we’ll take our horses,” and I took a sip of coffee.  “We’d make it there in a couple of weeks.”
“They want you there now!” he exclaimed.
“Then buy another ticket,” I replied getting up.  “I need to see Marshal Gold and check on the horses.  I think Moise at the livery has a boy that will look after them.”
I reached for my cup to finish it and then walked out through the kitchen.

Echoes from the Campfire

Nor could he bear to leave the lands of immense distances, the purity of the air, the vast sweep of the mountains, plains and forests, the smell of his lonely campfires, the feeling of a good horse under him, and the song of the lonely winds.  It was in his heart now, in his blood and bones, and in all the convulsions of his brain.”
–Louis L’Amour  (The Rider of Lost Creek)

“Enter through the narrow gate.  For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.”
–Matthew 7:13 (NLT)