Echoes From the Campfire

Keep your eyes on the horizon and keep your .45 loaded and ready.”
              –Cliff Hudgins  (Viejo and the Ranger)

    “Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things, And revive me in Your way.”
              –Psalm 119:37 (NKJV)
The more I read from the saints that have gone on before, and the more I read from respectable Christian ministers today, the more I see that it is the quiet and still times that God works and ministers to the soul.  It is not the clamor of the drums, nor the busyness and hype that is needed but the calm soothing voice of the Holy Spirit.
    I’ve always enjoyed the serenity that I find in the mountains.  There is something about being in God’s great cathedral.  Some may say the ocean, or the desert, anywhere as long as there is the sound of quiet filling the air.  Sometimes there is the need to just get away and walk in God’s creation.
    Everyone takes and finds refuge in something.  For some it may be alcohol, or others gambling, others may seek the noise of the crowd or concert.  These are really not a refuge, but an escape.  There is a difference!  Life is such that no person is free from trouble.  “Responsibilities produce worry and tension.  Our tasks are often dangerous, monotonous, unpleasant.  People are sometimes difficult.  World conditions are disturbing and threatening.  Events occur daily to disturb and sadden our lives.  Death stalks our paths.” (Leonard S. Edmonds)  Do any of these fit your situation?  
    How do you escape?  Do you read, go to a concert or play, go to a movie?  Perhaps you gather with friends so you can gossip, ahem, I mean share your troubles and complaints.  Maybe there is a hobby that you seek out, or perhaps it is exercise that helps.  Often, way too often, we seek refuge in ways more harmful than helpful.
    Our refuge should be in Christ!  David writes, “In thee, O Lord, do I seek refuge.” (Psalm 31:1)  There are times when no other refuge is adequate.  Perhaps the ordinary troubles and anxieties of the day may be hidden in a hobby or friends, but there are those great tragedies when the only help is the Lord.  The times we live in are surely troubling and there is little that a person can do but turn to God.  He is our help, our strength, and our guide.
    Keep your eyes on the skies, and one day soon we’ll not only be telling troubles and toils goodbye, but we’ll be singing as we go upward to glory, “goodbye world, goodbye.”

Echoes From the Campfire

I defend them because I believe in what they believe.  I even believe in it more than they do.”
              –Luke Short  (Saddle By Starlight)

       “Vindicate me, O God, And plead my cause against an ungodly nation; Oh, deliver me from the deceitful and unjust man!”
              –Psalm 43:1 (NKJV)
I have always been thankful for my wonderful heritage in the Assemblies of God.  I can remember back when I was a kid and someone would ask what church I went to and I would reply, “First Assembly of God”.  They would then most often respond, “What’s that?”  Of course, there would always be that one who would answer, “That’s those holy-rollers in the little white church on Mapleton.”  It has grown from a church that once might be deemed “from the other side of the tracks” to one of the largest denominations/fellowships in the world due largely to its dedication to evangelism and missionary effort.  With that in mind I came across an article published in the Pentecostal Evangel in 1973, written by Percy Brewster.  It would be good for churches and individuals to heed its information.
 1)  “Being too sensitive to public opinion.”  
             Don’t try to adapt to the world’s culture and accept worldly values.
 2)  “Some accept the heritage of the past without a corresponding personal dedication.”
             This includes people who identify with Pentecostal tradition, “but whose spiritual life is far from where it should be.  They have form of godliness, but not the substance.”
 3)  “Weakening in the area of evangelism.”
       Evangelism is fulfilling the Great Commission.  When the church fails to do this it is committing “spiritual suicide.”  Yet this is now the popular opinion:  don’t cause waves… to each his own…
 4)  “Spend money on extravagant churches.”
        Be good stewards.  Do not take money from evangelism and missions to build a magnificent edifice.
 5)  “Don’t get caught up in the busyness of church work and committees.”
       Seek the lost, look to the needs of hungry souls.
 6)  “An unhealthy move to segregate the young and the old.”
       Oh, this is so true and becoming more and more the norm.  It is seen in all aspects of the church.  I read recently where a church is going to close its doors in August and reopen them in October and that no one over the age of sixty should attend.  
     Brewster writes, “the older people need the zeal and energy of the young, and the young need the balance of the older people’s wisdom and maturity.”
 7)  “An overemphasis on demon power.”
       Don’t blame all of the problems the church has and that you have upon demonic activity.  Some of it is due to individual neglect or stupidity, don’t give undue recognition to the devil.
 8)  “The tendency to tolerate and excuse sin.”
        The truth must be proclaimed, not compromised.  Do not shift opinions to accommodate human weakness, speak the truth.
 9)  “Don’t think that education can be a substitute for the call of God and the power of the Holy Spirit.”
       What has happened to the notion of a “calling”?  A person doesn’t become a pastor because of the prestige or the fame or the money.  He is called by God.  I have heard so many young people say that they would not leave a certain area.  But what if God’s calls them to?

    Brewster finished his article with the thought “theology trumps sociology.”  Housing developments, social welfare, education, etc. will never take the place of the truth as presented in the Bible.  Do not get caught up in the trends of the culture (i.e., political correctness, toleration at all cost).

Echoes From the Campfire

We all have debts to people of the past.  We cannot go back to those people, so our debts we pay to people who live now.  Somewhere, there is a bookkeeper.”
              –Elmer Kelton  (The Way of the Coyote)

    “And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.”
              –Revelation 20:15(NKJV)
How many lives did Billy Graham touch for the Lord?  Only eternity will reveal that to us.  How many lives will you and I touch for the Lord?  It seems so small, maybe in comparison to Billy Graham, but all we are required to do is obey and use our gifts and talents for Him.  I recall the words from an old song,

         “If just a cup of water I place within your hand
          Then just a cup of water is all that I demand…”
                  –Ira F. Stanphill

Whatever God has placed within our hands He expects us to use.  Remember the story of Jesus in Matthew 25 about the master handing the talents to the servants.  Remember how they were used, or not used, and the result.
    There are two stories I would like to pass on.  One is about the wonderful Christian businessman, John Wanamaker.  In his younger life he wanted to be a missionary.  (Hmmm, back then all the youth were supposed to be preachers or missionaries.)  He kept seeking God to call him to the mission field, but the Lord said “No.”  Wanamaker accepted the answer from the Lord and was led to become a very successful department store owner, who by the end of his life was supporting ninety full-time missionaries.  In which way did he touch more people for the Lord?
    I recently read a story about a merchant in the times of the early church.  The story goes something like this, told by the hermit Palladius.

         “An elderly merchant named Apollonius renounced the world and moved to Mount Nitria.  Because of his age, he was not able to practice the austere way of life followed by others.  Instead, he used his own labor and resources to purchase all kinds of food and medicine in Alexandria.  He distributed these to all the monasteries, walking from door to door, looking for the sick.  He carried raisins, pomegranates, eggs, and wheat flour.  This was his unique ministry for Christ in his old age.  As he neared death, he turned over all of his supplies to another, asking him to take care of the five thousand monks living on the mountain.  Without this attention, many would not survive in such a desolate place.”  (Bernard Bangley, By Way of the Desert)

I like the term in the above passage, “his unique ministry.”  All of us have some type of ministry.  It may change throughout life, but there is always something we can be doing for the Lord and His kingdom.  Maybe it is to give a cup of cool water to someone along the way.  Maybe it is just to keep a smile and say “good morning” to those you meet for you don’t know what they’re going through and that smile might just be the thing to get them through the day.  Perhaps you may be called to get behind a pulpit and proclaim, “the Bible says…”  Whatever it is, reach out to fulfill what the Lord requires of you.

The Saga of Miles Forrest

The trip to Canon City was uneventful, for which I was glad.  I watched my two prisoners while traveling on the train with them.  James had turned even more remorse than before.  If ever I had seen darkness in a face, that was James Lamb.  John, on the other hand, seemed to have a ray of hope in his countenance.  Perhaps it was the prayers of Lucas, one never knows how a prayer or a few words of encouragement might help a person.
    Upon arriving in Canon City I was surprised to see U.S. Marshal Jens Blasco waiting for me at the station.  “So, that’s the Lamb brothers?” he asked.  “Plus, you said that Glen Framm was dead and Ioway Jenks was in custody?”
    “Well, greetin’s to you too, Marshal,” I said sarcastically.  “But, yes to your questions.  The other miscreant, the one the Judge killed, was Sim Colburn.  Jenks identified him for us.”
    He continued to walk with me toward the prison.  “Any news of Fooy?” I asked on our trek.
    “No, Sam’s a smart one.  He’ll be in one of those big cities spending his money until it runs out.  They made quite a haul so who knows how long before he reappears.”
    I nodded with my head toward the Lambs.  “Others weren’t so smart.  Oh, by the way, according to Jenks, it was Teeter who shot the guard.”
    “We’ll put ‘wanted for murder’ on the next poster.  He’s running now, so he’ll begin to make mistakes.  It won’t be long before we have him,” stated Blasco.  “When you’re through with your business with the warden I want to see you.  I’ll be waiting in an office he’s provided for us.”
    With that he turned and walked toward the business area of the prison while I waited at the gate for a guard to take me to the warden.  The guard looked at my paperwork then led me to a room where we waited for the warden to appear.  
    It was all done within a few minutes.  I had the Lambs off my hands, signing them over to the warden and the Colorado State Penitentiary.  Neither of the Lambs said anything as two other guards appeared to take them away.  I did receive a goodbye sneer from James.
    A guard, standing in the hallway, directed me to the room where I would find Blasco.  He was sitting behind a table, in a little office, smoking a cigar.  For the life of me I don’t know how a man could breathe the smoke from one of those things into his lungs.  I imagined it was something like the smoke from the bottomless pit.
    “Have a seat, Forrest,” he commanded.  “I need for you to go with me to Raton.  Frank Reston and his gang have been spotted in the area.”
    It kind of took me by surprise.  I had been figuring on getting back and I told him so.  “I didn’t bring any traveling gear,” I informed him.
    “We’ll take the train to Trinidad; horses and gear will be waiting for us there.”
    I looked at him.  “How’s the pass?”
    All I received was a smile before he answered.  “Cold and some snow.  Unless a storm rolls in we’ll should be okay.  Miles, I really need your help.  Here’s our chance to nab Reston.”
    There was no way I could argue with that, plus the fact he was my boss.  Where’s Fred Martin?  I’d thought he’d meet you in Raton.”  Martin was the Deputy U.S. Marshal stationed in Santa Fe.
    “Martin’s on business down Las Cruces way, that’s why I need you.”
    “When do we leave?” I inquired.
    Blasco looked at the large clock, its pendulum swinging back and forth.  “Train pulls out in less than an hour,” he paused and stood giving me a large, toothy smile that was partially hidden by his moustache.  “Let’s go!”
    We made it to the train with time to spare and situated ourselves in the only coach car.  Blasco led us to the middle of the train to take our seats.  He motioned for me to sit, he then sat across from me, that way we could see both doors of the car, not that we were expecting anything to happen, but one never knows.
    I looked at Blasco.  I had never worked directly with him.  He was a man a little taller than me but not as broad in the shoulders.  His hair, eyebrows, and moustache were a dark brown, almost black.  With deep-set eyes he looked menacing.  
    He saw me looking over at him.  “Be sure you pick up a heavier coat when we get to Trinidad.  It’ll be cold going over the pass.”
    This time of year it was dumb of me not to be wearing my sheepskin coat.  I’d left it at home and instead was wearing a black and red plaid jacket.  I could get by with it most of the winter, but he was right, more then likely I would need a heavier coat.
    “I’m going to get some shut-eye before we reach Trinidad,” he told me then pulled his black Stetson down over his eyes and leaned back.  I happened to notice that he took the loop off the hammer of his pistol, just in case.
    I hadn’t had time to send a telegram to Molly.  I needed to make sure to do that when we reached Trinidad, otherwise…