Coffee Percs

That evening I had put the coffeepot on to boil.  I sat down and was honing my knife when they approached our camp.”
              –D.C. Adkisson  (Redemption)

What’s that I heerd you a-singin’?  “Bring me some figgy puddin’.”  Pard, have yuh ever tasted that stuff?  I did one time, and that was enough to last the rest of my Christmases.  No, sing something like “Bring me a plate of gravy, piled high over biscuits.”  Now that doesn’t rhyme, but it’ll sure taste better than figgy puddin’.
    That evening I had put the coffeepot on to boil.  I sat down and was honing my knife when they approached our camp.”
              –D.C. Adkisson  (Redemption)

What’s that I heerd you a-singin’?  “Bring me some figgy puddin’.”  Pard, have yuh ever tasted that stuff?  I did one time, and that was enough to last the rest of my Christmases.  No, sing something like “Bring me a plate of gravy, piled high over biscuits.”  Now that doesn’t rhyme, but it’ll sure taste better than figgy puddin’.
    Glad yuh made it over, wasn’t sure this close to Christmas.  Ahhh, let that coffee slide on down to yur gizzard.  Pard, try one of these cookies.  Annie and the girls were bakin’ all day long yesterday.  I snuck one from my private stash.  Figgy puddin’ phooey, give me another one of those raisin cookies, or one of those Christmas cookies with red sprinkly things on top.
    Say, I heard the government was shuttin’ down.  Ha, I reckon the bureaucrats will continue gettin’ paid.  Most of them should be workin’ for free like the President, they have so much money stowed away.  Nah, they’ll turn the whole thing into a blame game, play politics.  And us poor peons will sit out here and blame one side or the other.  Bureaucrats!
    Let me take another sip, somethin’ just moved up in my gray-matter.  Come to think of it, it was the bureaucrats and their antics that forced Joseph to pack up and move to Bethlehem.  Ol’ Caesar didn’t realize he was helpin’ make prophecy come true.  I think today’s bureaucrats will be shocked at how they are helpin’ end-time prophecy come true.  Ol’ Joe must have been one to ride the river with.  Just imagine, he was takin’ care of God’s Son.  Whooeee, what a job; mercy the responsibility.  Chew on that some.
    What?  Yuh haven’t finished yur shoppin’. ?  Still have to get somethin’ for yur sweetie?  Pard, it’ll be worse than turnin’ a stampede out there today.  Yuh best be careful.  Say, yuh and all yur loved ones, have a very Merry Christmas.  In case yuh drink some bad coffee, I’ll be sure and have a pot boilin’ next week.  
               Vaya con Dios,
and don’t forget to check yur cinch our there with all the heathen.