Coffee Percs

He got the fire going good, picked up his coffee walked to the open door, and looked out into the street.  He leaned on the doorjamb and took a sip of coffee.”
–Robert Knott

Come on in pard; maybe you can help me figure this out.  I know I’m just an ol’ fencepost, but to the life of me, I can’t figure out all of this riotin’.  Is it just youth, or plain old outright rebellion?  Now, college students have always been whiners, but this is utterly ridiculous.  Reminds me of a child wantin’ a toy and folks say “no” and he proceeds to throw a tantrum.  Right then you pick the kid up, stop your shoppin’, go to the car and head home and then out to the woodshed.  What scares me most is that one day they might be in leadership positions.
At least the company’s good this mornin’, thanks for stoppin’ by.  Coffee’s not bad either.  One more thing I just can’t grasp either.  Counselors?  School closed to help a college student cope?  My mercy!  The whole lot of them need one of them there pacifiers–“binkies.”  One thing for sure pard; easy to see how the Antichrist will be able to take over.  Feed their selfishness and over them things they want and didn’t earn.  Put on top of that the group that would be there to fight his agenda will be up in heaven feasting at a table given to them by grace and earned by Christ Himself.
Ahhh, coffee helps to settle the gizzard.  Just need my sweetie here with me, but I’m a-goin’ to go lasso her up and bring her home this weekend.  Now, don’t go to frettin’ but a couple of phrases from songs come to my mind.  “There’s a great day comin’,” but as for me “On Christ the Solid Rock I stand…”
Yep, we can face each week and each day because of our sure foundation.  No frettin’ and gettin’ the innards riled up.  Now, that doesn’t mean you don’t need to check your cinch everytime you mount up. 
Vaya con Dios.