Coffee Percs

Within a few minutes, I had the morning’s coffee on the coals and shoving more sticks in with them.”
–Lou Bradshaw

“Christmas times a-comin'”, yeehaw! Get yourself in here and throw yur ankles up under the table. Just watch yur spurs, the missus won’t like you scarring the floor. Thanksgiving is done past, and it tasted oh so good! Hope you had a good time. Here you go pard, coffee’s ready and hot!
I tell you pard, I went out to the camp yesterday mornin’ thinkin’ to sit around the fire, drink some coffee and write. I was late movin’ ’round yesterday and didn’t get out there until after 9:00. I dropped my head; I don’t know if in disgust, despair, or dejection. No coffee, no fire; good thing I had a couple of cups before leavin’ home. Well, I got the fire started and wrote about a chapter; Kim made the coffee. But other than that we had us a nice Thanksgiving campout. The wife and I didn’t stay at the camp this year; just certain situations kept us from doin’ so, but we were up and out there early.
Ahhhh, good coffee; let me get you a refill. Listen pard, better be makin’ yur coffee extra strong from now through the new year. I had to go out last week to buy a few things, and let me tell you–the crazies are out! Seems like everyone was a hustlin’ and bustlin’ around, not payin’ any attention an’ just a burstin’ out to get where they have to be a-goin’. Say, this is a time to enjoy what the Lord has given us. A time to slow down and reflect on the comin’ of Jesus, the Christ-child. So you just be extra aware ifn yuh have to go out much.
Be sure and check that cinch, yah hear?