Echoes from the Campfire

Without duty, life don’t make any kind of sense. If folks are going to live together they have to abide by some kind of rules, and the law is those rules. The law doesn’t work against a man, it works for him.”
–Louis L’Amour (Catlow)

“Be careful to obey all these commands I am giving you. Show love to the Lord your God by walking in his ways and holding tightly to him.”
–Deuteronomy 11:22 (NLT)

Driving over to Kimberly’s on Sunday I heard an old, magnificent song. It is my custom to try to play the hymns on Sunday and this one came up twice on the trip. It was written by Geoffrey O’Hara, “I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked.” Take a look at the first verse.

“I walked today where Jesus walked,
In days of long ago
I wandered down each path He knew,
With reverent step and slow.”

Of course the song deals primarily with the last days of Jesus when He took those awful steps from the Last Supper through Gethsemane and up Calvary’s hill. But it made me think of other places He walked. We only have about three years that show us the footsteps of Jesus. He walked through the region of Galilee and even once took that little walk on water. He walked, as was His custom, to the temple weekly. He walked to visit friends and meet the needs of the multitude.
But what of the other approximately 30 years? Where did He walk? Did He journey out of Nazareth? Most likely He visited Jerusalem, because He enjoyed His Father’s house. I came to the conclusion that He walked the same way we walk as we follow Him. Day-by-day, He guides our steps, they are “ordered” by Him. We are to worship in “truth” or reality, in other words as we walk this everyday life we are to walk in His steps.

“I walked today with Jesus walked,
And felt Him close to me.”

Can you feel Him as you walk through the day, or do you just go on and ignore that He is walking there beside you? Put aside that weighty walk that Jesus took to Calvary and remember it was because of that walk that we can have a daily victorious walk.
I know some of the current generation of millennials will work but I read this story last week. It seems a girl from Harvard found a job and work on Friday. Over the weekend, she and her friends celebrated her new position. Come Monday morning and she arrived at work at 10:30, she was supposed to be there at 8:00. The boss fired her. She went into a tirade and blamed the boss. She was tired from celebrating and needed her sleep. She was entitled to the job and she called him a “white, patriarchal supremist.” After all she was a graduate from Harvard.
Poor girl definitely needs to wake up and look at life. Punctuality is an important virtue. Being tardy is the same thing as stealing–stealing time. Remember what I wrote last week? “You can’t insult arrogance.” So many think they should start at the top and not have to pay their dues.