Echoes From the Campfire

Every human being had to stand on his feet and reach wisdom by his own errors and tears.”
              –Ernest Haycox  (Saddle and Ride)

    “So I set out to learn everything from wisdom to madness and folly. But I learned firsthand that pursuing all this is like chasing the wind.”
              –Ecclesiastes 1:17 (NLT)
                   “If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.”
                         –Galatians 5:25(NSAB)

Sometimes it is just hard to get away from the influence of the world.  Even when the monks and hermits of ages past tried to do it they could not for what was it that drove them to seclusion–the world.  Yet at times, we’ve all been there, we get weary and worn with the daily routine.  Then we may get attached to things that this world has to offer and we need to break away.  Look at the words, no, ponder the words of this hymn by the Irish preacher to the slums of London–George Croly.

                   “Spirit of God, descend upon my heart;
                    Wean it from earth; through all its pulses move;
                    And make me love Thee as I ought to love.”

I’m a simple person, as you’ve come to realize through the years.  Simple trust is all I believe we need.  I know the Lord is there with me, I don’t need to jump up and do spiritual incantations to get His attention.  Yet, I often feel that my soul is dim, that it needs more oil added to the light that is within.

                   “I ask no dream, no prophet ecstasies,
                    No sudden rending of the veil of clay,
                    No angel visitant, no opening skies;
                    But take the dimness of my soul away.

                    Hast Thou not bid me love Thee, God and King?
                    All, all Thine own, soul, heart and strength and mind.
                    I see Thy cross; there teach my heart to cling:
                    O let me seek Thee, and O let me find!”

“I believe, help my unbelief!” cried the voice of the father whose son was possessed by and evil spirit.  How much should we cry the same?  How much should be cry, “Lord, I love You, help me to love You more”?  “I trust You, help me trust You more!”  We get so frail in our spirits sometime, but He is there to help us through each trial, each woe, and every day.

                   “Teach me to feel that Thou art always nigh;
                    Teach me the struggles of the soul to bear,
                    To check the rising doubt, the rebel sigh;
                    Teach me the patience of unanswered prayer.

                    Teach me to love Thee as Thine angels love,
                    One holy passion filling all my frame;
                    The kindling of the heaven descended Dove,
                    My heart an altar, and Thy love the flame.”

I truly believe that we do not see the Holy Spirit the way that we should.  We do not seek Him in the everyday affairs of our life.  He is there working on the inside, but He must have our cooperation.  When we get caught up with things of the world, He is shut off.  It is imperative, especially in the days in which we live, that we do make our heart an altar.