Echoes From the Campfire

Wishing won’t make any difference.  Trouble is part of living.”
                –Rod Collins  (Bitter’s Run)

    “If I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also.”
                –John 14:3 (NASB)
Got hope?  Or are you running around like a chicken with its head cut off, moaning your plight and wringing your hands in despair.  One way to help cure those feelings of despair is to feed hope within you and you do it by singing the praises of God, meditating on His Word, and contemplating the hope that Christ has given you.

         “Sing the wondrous love of Jesus,
          Sing His mercy and His grace;
          In the mansions bright and blessed,
          He’ll prepared for us a place.”
                 –Eliza E. Hewitt

What is looming over you?  What kinds of dark clouds are hovering over your head?  Throughout life we will see many different kinds of storms.  Some may get us a good soaking, some may only threaten.  Right now there is the cloud of a virus with lightning flashes of fear and anxiety.  The thunder rolls with dread.  There are choices that could be made and the person of faith makes the one that they will continue along the “pilgrim pathway.”

         “While we walk the pilgrim pathway,
          Clouds will overspread the sky;
          But when traveling days are over,
          Not a shadow, not a sigh.”

Our duty, our response when the clouds arise is to continue to be obedient and faithful.  We don’t run back to the city of doom, or a place of seeming comfort.  No, we continue in the faith.  We trust Christ at every bend in the road, at every change in the weather.  The winds may assail, but trust never falters.  Don’t worry about what the clouds may bring.  Don’t worry about how hard it is along the way.  One day soon, it will be worth it all.

         “Let us then be true and faithful,
          Trusting, serving ev’ry day;
          Just one glimpse of Him in glory
          Will the toils of life repay.”

So onward we go.  Sometimes we run, and at other times we plod, but always onward and upward.  Hope?  It is right there in front of us.  Keep going, keep reaching out, keep persevering.

         “Onward to the prize before us!
          Soon His beauty we’ll behold;
          Soon the pearly gates will open,
          We shall tread the streets of gold.

                   When we all get to heaven,
                   What a day of rejoicing that will be!
                   When we all see Jesus,
                   We’ll sing and shout the victory.”

Therefore, in this crazy, sick, confused, miserable world we continue on, bearing whatever difficulties that come our way.  Living, and possibly dying, with the calamities and pestilences that come against us, there will be that day of rejoicing and shouting the victory.