Echoes From the Campfire

Death situations quickly place priorities where they belong.”
                –Kenneth S. Pratt  (Willow Falls)

    “But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.”
                –Matthew 6:20(NKJV)
First of all, let me say that if you’re not receiving the Echo in a timely manner, I’m sorry.  It seems that either my computer or my provider has a glitch.  I’ve noticed some problems this week.  I’ll send the Echo, but then not everyone is receiving, including one of my addresses.  Hopefully it will not continue.
My there is so much bellyaching about spending time at home and with family.  Jokes galore, about the wife or the husband.  I just don’t get it.  This should be a time where we look at what the Lord has done for us (maybe that is part of the purpose of this virus); we should be grateful for what we have.  

Question:  Could you live on today what you thanked the Lord for yesterday?

    That was a question posed by a friend of mine.  What if the Lord took away everything that you didn’t thank Him for, what would you have left?  Hmmm, would it be enough to survive?  So much we take for granted.  So much we don’t consider.
    I saw my Pastor’s wife on a broadcast and she said the most important lesson she has learned during this time of being quarantined is to prioritize.  First, we should look at what we have and be thankful!  Then we should look and see what we are doing with our time, our efforts, our money, our relationships.
    Who would have thought that there would be a toilet paper shortage due to hoarding.  Ha, a priority.  What if you had to pack up all your things in a wagon, such as the pioneers of days of old.  What would you take?  What would you leave behind?  Think about this:  What treasures are you laying up in heaven?  Have you spoken to family about heaven?  Maybe you’ve sent along your bank account as it will mean so much to you there.
    If you haven’t taken the time to prioritize during this shutdown of activity and business, then I pity you.  If you haven’t taken time to get alone with the Lord–shame.
With what I mentioned above, I must ask where is your hope?  Let me give you a few words from A.W. Tozer to close this Echo.  You can take time to ponder them.

         “Hope is the drift and direction of the whole Bible.  It is the music of the whole Bible.  It is the heartbeat, the pulse, the atmosphere of the whole Bible…
         If you are going to heaven, you had better begin to live like it now, and if you are going to die like a Christian, you had been live like a Christian now!
         “The true Christian hope is not vague–it is valid!  The hope of the world is vain, but the hope of the Christian is a valid hope!”