Echoes From the Campfire

It’s cheaper in the long run to turn the other cheek.  Of course, a man ain’t got but two cheeks.  After that the lid is off.”
               –Elmer Kelton  (The Pumpkin Rollers)

     “For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth.”
               –2 Corinthians 13:8 (NKJV)
We are most definitely in the midst of a pandemic.  I don’t mean a pandemic of the coronavirus, but a pandemic of absurd stupidity!  Add to this stupidity, hatred, and you have a bomb ready to detonate and has already in some places.  The media, bureaucrats, “celebrities,” and others are labeling it all in the cause of racism or social equality.  Baloney!  It is straight from the pit of hades, and is to bring anarchy.
     Look at the culprits, those to whom the hate is directed:  Christians, churches, law enforcement officers, conservative leaders.  These are the supposed “bad guys.”  Woe, when people call evil good and good evil.  Folks, justice is coming.  The Lord is ready to come for His people, then anarchy and chaos will show how evil it can get.  Right now we are looking at the spirit of the antichrist; with the coming of the Lord the “Antichrist” will appear and rule the world through hate and evil.  Oh, he will use the right rhetoric, but he is a master deceiver, the ultimate liar.
     Though the days are evil.  Though hatred is spewed from the mouths of some.  Though confusion seems to reign and common sense has departed to regions of unknown, there is hope for the believer.  Have joy in the midst of all the chaos and look up for our redemption draws near!

          “Until now you have asked nothing in My name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.  These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”
                    –John 16:24, 33 (NKJV)

Someone has called this the “theology of joy.”  Not just a flippant, “don’t worry, be happy,” but true, honest-to-goodness joy.  We have the hope of glory; we have the Lord on our side.  His will cannot be thwarted.

          “…Joy cannot be manufactured by politicians or by government agencies or actions.  It comes about because of what is inside the person.
          Jesus came to bring joy and peace in the inner man, first of all by removing the sin that causes sorrow, and then by sharing with us his Holy Spirit–his ‘Comforter’ and our ‘Advocate.’  So that no matter what the turmoil about us may be, we can be serene and secure, resting in the knowledge that Jesus has ‘overcome the world.'”
                    –Ernest A. Matson

     Don’t be watching too much of what the media is feeding you or the devil will take away your joy.  Don’t give into his wiles and watch where you step to avoid his snares.  Feed on the Word of God, and get the “joy, joy, joy, down deep in your heart,” despite the anarchy and chaos that is being seen.
     Remember the words of the old hymn:  “It is joy unspeakable and full of glory, Oh, the half has never yet been told.”  (B.E. Warren)  What is?  Being with Jesus each step of the way in this life.