Echoes From the Campfire

He cared vastly more, he discovered, for what he considered honor and integrity than he did for life.”
              –Zane Grey  (The Lone Star Ranger)

    “For what is the hope of the hypocrite, Though he may gain much, If God takes away his life?”
              –Job 27:8 (NKJV)
    He took one more look outside while standing at the top of the ramp.  There was the noise of a mob rising in the town not far away, loud enough that he could hear it.  The cooking fire was still burning, but he made no move to put it out as it was now sprinkling.  Water coming from the skies.  The Lord said it would rain, now it is beginning to fall.  
    One more check through the ark.  “Shem, where is Shem?” he began to shout.  “Shem!  Shem!”  Rushing through the ark he looked for his son.  Stopping to ask Ham, “Have you seen Shem?” to only receive an negative nod.  He rushed to the ramp again, “Was Shem outside?”  There was a groaning noise.  The ramp was closing, “No, Shem, Shem!”
    No, it didn’t happen that way.  The Scripture declares, “On the very same day Noah and Noah’s sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, and Noah’s wife and the three wives of his sons with them, entered the ark” (Genesis 7:13, NKJV).  But what if?  Let me ask a question:  Are all your children safely in the ark?  There are snares everywhere to hinder our children from being safe, hindering them from entering the ark of safety.  Listen, friend, this is not a time to be worried about “corona”, or making money, or material possessions.  This is the time to make sure that your children and grandchildren are ready for the coming storm and for the trumpet of the Lord to sound. What would have been Noah’s feelings if indeed, Shem did not make it into the ark?
    Nietzsche said that he gloried in chaos.  What else could be expected from a madman?  However, he also said that out of the chaos would rise the superman.  Could he have been right?  Will the rider of the White Horse appear in the midst of all the chaos that is happening in the world?  Listen, it is not only happening in our country, but there is chaos, outrage, mayhem happening throughout the world.  Will it usher in the true man of chaos, the man of lawlessness?
    There is a song and chorus that have been running through my mind the past week or so, written by J.B. Vaughn.  Let me leave you with the second verse and chorus:

         “Are you ready should the Savior call today?
          Would Jesus say, ‘Well done,’ or ‘Go away’?
          My home is for the pure, the vile can never stay,
          We shall see the King when He comes.

                            We shall see the King, We shall see the King,
                            We shall see the King when He comes;
                            He is coming in pow’r, we’ll hail the blessed hour,
                            We shall see the King when He comes.”

    The storms of evil are raging and they will continue to develop until one day the Father will cry, “That’s enough!” and send His Son for those who are ready.  The trumpet shall sound and we will go to meet Him in the air to be forever with Him in heaven.  Are you ready?  Are your children ready?