Echoes From the Campfire

Too bad there ain’t a law against stupidity…  If there was these morons would get life.”
               –Lou Bradshaw  (Texas War Lord)

     “He will die because there is no discipline, and be lost because of his great stupidity.”
               –Proverbs 5:23 (HCSB)
          “I’m in the gloryland way; I’m in the gloryland way;
           Heaven is nearer, and the way groweth clearer,
           For I’m in the gloryland way.”
                  –J.S. Torbett

Oh, God, why are you doing this to me?  Why are you allowing evil to surround me and disease run rampant around me?  Why aren’t you doing anything about my dilemma?  Why?  Why?  Why?  Are these your words?  I would think that they may perhaps be the words of believers throughout the centuries.  They could be the words of Joseph or the thoughts of Job.  They could be relating the experiences of David, or the weariness of Jeremiah.  Why, Lord, why?
     Let’s finish looking at Psalm 44 today.

     20 – If we had forgotten the name of our God and spread out our hands to a foreign god,
     21 – wouldn’t God have found this out, since He knows the secrets of the heart?
     22 – Because of You we are slain all day long; we are counted as sheep to be slaughtered.
     23 – Wake up, Lord! Why are You sleeping?  Get up! Don’t reject us forever!
     24 – Why do You hide Yourself and forget our affliction and oppression?
     25 – For we have sunk down to the dust; our bodies cling to the ground.
     26 – Rise up! Help us!  Redeem us because of Your faithful love. (HCSB)

Truly, in some things we cannot know or understand the ways of Providence.  We can do personal inventory to see if perhaps we have gone astray, but sometimes the reasons and the answers are beyond us.
     Take for example this “pandemic.”  Is it punishment upon nations that have turned against God?  Perhaps it is just something that happened, nature taking its course so to speak (which I really doubt).  Is it part of the plan of God to bring about the end of the age?  Is it a call to repentance?  Is it to get His Church ready for His return?  I really think that it could be a combination of all these.  For sure, God is sovereign and He has everything under control whether we like what is happening or not.
     You may ask why the song at the beginning, especially that particular song.  It has been on my mind, for despite all we should be in the way.  Again, look at Joseph; he was in the Lord’s will and faced all kinds of problems.  Job had no insight to the supernatural where God was allowing Satan to have his way with him.  In these, and other situations we can see God at work, and with that He is at work in us. 
     Remember the words that the Holy Spirit gave to Paul, “We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God: those who are called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28, HCSB)  Nothing can happen to us that will take away God’s love for us.  He is there working things out to His purpose.  As you continue in this world, through the good and bad, no matter the evil that you see, keep singing and staying in the gloryland way.  Heaven is definitely growing nearer.

              “God His own doth tend and nourish;
               In His holy courts they flourish.
               From all evil things He spares them;
               In His mighty arms He bears them.”
                       –Carolina Sandell Berg