Echoes From the Campfire

You just never know what’s over the next hill.”
              –Lou Bradshaw  (Texas War Lord)

    “Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.”
              –Colossians 2:7 (NLT)
The little church where we attend has an unofficial theme song.  It is sung at every other Sunday.  It’s a good song, and because we sing it so often the words often come to me during the week.  

         “I woke up this morning feeling fine
          I woke up with heaven on my mind,
          I woke up with joy in my soul
          Cause I knew my Lord had control…”
                 -Mosie Lister

What a reason to be thankful!  The Lord has everything under control!  Don’t fret, don’t worry, don’t sweat the small stuff, in fact don’t even sweat the large stuff.  The Lord is guiding my life, ordering my footsteps, and giving me calm assurance that He is not threatened, worried, or anxious about things here on earth.  Be thankful!
    God often told the Israelites to remember what He had done in the past.  It would give them faith, and it would help assure them that He would do the same in the present.  Take a little time for memories this Thanksgiving.  Remember how blest you have been because of the Lord and how He had taken care of you in the past.  I mentioned to Annie regarding our first Thanksgiving together fifty years ago.  I took her to visit my family in Colorado.  We lived in an old two-story brick house.  Now back in the 1960s, Boulder was known as a windy city, my wife to be stayed in the room with my Aunt Bern, notorious for her snoring.  I thought I lost my wife-to-be as one of those wind storms came up, and my Aunt tried to outdo it with her snoring.  Ah, but now, it brings a smile.  Memories, lessons, the leading of the hand of the Lord–be thankful!
    God is still working, He is still involved with us today; right now!  Despite a virus run rampant, despite serious storms, fires, and other natural calamities, God is working.  His keeping-power is with us.  Perhaps He is trying to wake some of us up, telling us to get ready.  Don’t be afraid of the day.  Don’t let the devil, or circumstance steal your joy, trust in the Lord for He has control.  Be thankful for this day!
   The future?  Who knows what will happen?  The crazy liberal left will take charge of the government.  Do you think that God is worried?  Do you think He is scared of liberals, and that He might run and hide and not protect His children?  Bah, He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  Look to the future with assurance that He will lay out a path for you to follow.  If we go by the grave, or if we are caught up with Him when He comes, we can always trust Him and recognize that He is in control.  Be thankful for His unfailing grace in the days ahead.
    So enjoy Thanksgiving, your family and friends, your turkey, dressing, and all the other fixin’s, plus plenty of pie.  Enjoy, but also be giving thanks.  Make it a day of truly being thankful.  The Scripture admonishes us to be thankful in all things, then you can:

         “…There’s a light that always shines
          Down inside this heart of mine,
          I’ve got heaven on my mind,
          And now I’m feeling mighty fine.”