Echoes From the Campfire

You can talk directly to the Lord any time you want to.  He’s always listenin’.”
              –Elmer Kelton  (Badger Boy)

    “Do not be deceived: ‘Bad company corrupts good morals.'”
              –1 Corinthians 15:33 (NASB)
How to Live in a Pagan, Apostate, and Foolish World

Key Verse:  “We know that we are of God, and that the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.”  –1 John 5:19 (NASB)

I want to discuss the idea of doctrine/theology a little more.  We cannot face the evils of this world without a strong theological base.  Our doctrine must be sound; it must be biblical.  Today, people do not relish the thought of theology or the preaching of doctrine.  There are two basic reasons for this:  1) it requires that we think; 2) it makes us responsible.  That is one of the reasons why hymns are rarely sung–they teach doctrine and the knowledge of doctrine makes a person responsible.  In fact, “You cannot speak about Christianity…without being doctrinal.” (Lloyd-Jones)
    To be honest, there is no such thing as an irreligious person.  Even an atheist has a doctrine.  The Christian states, “In the beginning God…” while the atheist says, “In the beginning no God…”  That is a statement of theology.  To refute doctrine is to refuse to believe in the teachings of the New Testament–it is insulting to God.  D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones states, “My sense of obedience to God compels me to discover as far as I can what He means by them [doctrines].”  Remember, and this is absolutely true, “If your doctrine is wrong, your life will be wrong.” (Lloyd-Jones)
    It is important that we first discover truth and understand what the Scriptures have to say.  People clamor, “do” but on what basis, I ask?  If practical theology precedes doctrinal theology then doctrines will be introduced to match practice that do not necessarily line up with God’s Word.
    In saying the above, we must keep in mind that doctrine is not passive.  There is the need to be involved in life with the proper knowledge of the Scripture.  We need to be careful of false doctrines, of heresy, and currently the theology of universalism.
    We are to live life; we are to live the life.  The application of living is always the outcome of doctrine.  For example, which is the river?  The water or the source?  Do we know things about God, or do we know Him?  There should be a personal acquaintance with Him for we are in Him, and He is in us (and this is not pantheism).  Test your experiences for not all experiences are true.  The real test of life is not experiences, though they may have their purpose, but how you live your life!  Keep His commandments!  “Love always manifests itself by doing what the object of its love desires.” (Lloyd-Jones)
    Failure?  It happens, but then turn to 1 John 1:9 and 1 John 2:1-2.  We have an Advocate.  In fact, we could not even begin to approach God without Christ.  Jesus understands our infirmities; He is the propitiation for He is both the high priest and the offering.

         “He is not only the propitiating sacrifice, but the propitiation itself; everything that is necessary to reconcile the sinner with God is in Jesus Christ.  He is prophet, He is priest, He is king.  He is sacrifice; it is His blood that has been shed and presented, and He has purified the heavenly tabernacle; it is all in Him.”
                   –D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

So when you see the evil around you know that Jesus is there to take care of you for He is your Advocate and He became your propitiation.  We can be well-pleasing in His sight.  Go out and live.