The Daily Paine

Think of some of the valuable gifts left to you by your family.  I’ve pondered this some, and come to realize that one of the most valuable gifts, maybe it could be rated the most valuable was given to me by watching the lives of my Grandma and my Aunt.  They taught me the importance of trusting in the Lord.  It is not a difficult task when we understand who He is.

          “Come, ev’ry soul by sin oppressed,
           There’s mercy with the Lord,
           And He will surely give you rest
           By trusting in His word.”
                     –J.H. Stockton

Of course the first area of trust is to understand that He is.  There is a God who sent His only begotten Son to die for my sin and the sins of humans everywhere and in every century.  Salvation is the first area then of trust.  The second is that God’s Word is authoritative, accurate, inspired, and infallible.  Not hard, simple trust.

          “For Jesus shed His precious blood,
           Rich blessings to bestow;
           Plunge now into the crimson flood
           That washes white as snow.”

Once that is settled the rest was easy for my simple brain.  Just trust Him.  No matter the situation–trust Him.  No matter the life choice–trust Him.  No matter the challenge–trust Him.  Life, careers, people can be fallible and cause disruption to one’s life.  Trust in Jesus; He’ll never fail.

          “Yes, Jesus is the Truth, the Way,
           That leads you into rest;
           Believe in Him without delay,
           And you are fully blest.

           Come, then, and join this holy band,
           And on to glory go,
           To dwell in that celestial land,
           Where joys immortal flow.”

Growing up, I watched them.  They lived lives of simple trust.  I have tried to do the same.  Maybe it has been easy for me since I am so simple to begin with, but I have based my life on the person of Jesus Christ and the truth of His word.  As my wife and I enter a new journey in life I have no fears for I trust Him. 
I recall, many years ago when they had the lottery for the draft back in the days of Vietnam.  One of the people in the dayroom watching their number get called broke down in tears.  I looked at him sort of stupefied, for I didn’t think that Christians would act that way.  I was always taught that God was in charge of my life.  I didn’t necessarily want to go to Vietnam, but at the same time I figured that if God could not take care of me there, then He couldn’t take care of me crossing the street either.

                    “Only trust Him, only trust Him,
                     Only trust Him now;
                     He will save you, He will save you,
                     He will save you now.”

The chorus of this grand old hymn should be one of those that is etched deep in our heart and mind.  Whatever life brings your way–“only trust Him.”