The Saga of Miles Forrest

Charlie Gold came to get me as soon as Billy reached consciousness.  We rushed back over to the jail to see Billy sitting up on the cot in his cell, holding his head.
    “I need a doctor!” he cried.  “My head feels as if it’s cracked open.”
    “Look at your hands, Denton,” replied Charlie.  “They’re no blood, and doc will have a look at you when he makes his rounds.”
    He glanced up and saw me standing there.  “Get him out of here!” he exclaimed.  “He has no right to be in here!”
    “That’s where you’re mistaken.  Miles is a duly appointed federal law enforcement officer, so he has every right to be here.  And there’s that little fact that you tried to kill him twice, plus an attempt to kill his wife.”  
    Denton looked at me and sneered.  “Then I want my lawyer!  I know my rights!  Let me out of here to see a lawyer!”
    “Not going to happen, Billy.  The Judge has done refused bail for you.  Anyone who attempts to kill a federal officer is a danger to society–no bail.  Give me your lawyer’s name and I’ll get him for you.”
    He groaned, “I don’t know it.”
    “Well, if you don’t know his name how am I going to get him for you?”
    “He’s my uncle’s lawyer.  Get him!” he said then started retching.
    Charlie started to open his cell and I put my hand against it stopping him.  “Doc told me that this is common when a man is hit in the head hard enough to lose consciousness.  He’ll be all right.”
    After he had thrown up what little breakfast he had in his stomach he looked up again.  “Billington’s lawyer, get him!”
    “Billington’s your uncle!” I exclaimed.  “Hmm, that would make Lillian your cousin.”
    “Lillian!  She’s here?” he yelled then laid down on the bed, moaning.
    “No, I saw her last in Santa Fe.  I don’t know where she was going from there.  She went to the hospital where they had your uncle.”
    He sat up and asked, “Where’s my uncle?”
    I glanced at Charlie and said, “This thing is gettin’ more interestin’ by the hour.”  Then looking back at Billy I answered him.  “Some men came and took your uncle from the hospital and went on the road to Taos,” pausing I looked at him.  “He’s probably dead.  With the operation he had, he should never have left the hospital.”
    He gave me a look of hatred; one that I had only seen coming from the Pale Rider.  “It’s your fault, Forrest!”  He groaned again and muttered, laying back down on the cot.  “The money…”
    “Don’t fret about the money, Billy,” said Charlie.  “Miles has taken it back to the bank.”
    Looking at me he exclaimed, “I’ll kill you yet, Forrest!” and he rolled over to face the wall.
    Charlie motioned for me to leave with him and go to the front of the jail.  Sitting down at his desk he looked at me and asked, “What do you think about all this?”
    I took a cup from the shelf and helped myself to the coffee on the stove.  After taking a couple of sips I replied.  “I’m still ponderin’ on it, Charlie.  There’s more to this than stealin’ money from the bank and runnin’ off,” I took another, longer sip.  “Billy didn’t seem to like the idea of Lillian bein’ here.”
    “So,” Charlie began, “there’s Billington, who may be dead, several thugs, at least four, Lillian, and Billy involved in this.”
    There was a shot and scream…