Coffee Percs

He brought coffee and two warm rolls slathered with sweet butter and honey to her before the sun had chased away the darkness.  Together they sipped coffee and ate their rolls in a companionable silence, listening to the barn awakening.”
              –Paul Bagdon (Stallions of Burnt Rock)

Morning pard.  Long trip but the steel mounts are unpacked and out to pasture for the duration of the trip.  My mercy, we faced some rain, in fact one night we had to hunker down in one of them there motels.  Sure hope yur doin’ well.
    I’m tired of all the rantin’ already.  I heard a portion of the hearin’s for the judge.  Tell me, how can a bunch of stuffy, ol’ men berate a person over wantin’ to keep babies alive?  I heard that codger from Connecticut berate, and say a bunch of nothin’–just tell me how these folk get elected.
    Enough of that, at least we’re havin’ coffee together despite the miles.  That’s one thing nice about these new-fangled pieces of technology.  Ahhh, good and we had rain so I’m sittin’ on the daughter’s back deck enjoyin’ the freshness along with my coffee.
    Yuh know how I hate to talk of politics, but I’ll tell yuh this much–yuh better know how yur votin’!  Yuh better have a grasp of knowledge about what the Bible says and then vote in that direction.  There are some very nonbiblical views bein’ spouted off out there.  
    But that’s another problem pard.  Let me take a sip before I go to ravin’ again.  There are a lot of folks callin’ themselves Christian that don’t have a clue as what a walk with the Lord is like.  We are to love folk, but we are certainly also to hate the things that He hates.
    Just had to stop an’ smile.  Just above me a V-shaped formation of geese just flew over; they were sure a-honkin’.  I’d drather think of the beauty and wonder of those birds than to think of the stupidity of men.  Good thing the coffee tastes good this mornin’.  Don’t want the gall and bile to be upsettin’ my weekend.  The Lord sure does send small things our way at times to just get us back to where we belong.
    You take care out there.  Be sure an’ check yur cinch, as you might hit some storms like we did on the trip.