Echoes From the Campfire

Evil men seldom rest for long.”
              –J. Lee Butts (Brotherhood of Blood)

    “In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes.”
              –Judges 21:25 (NKJV)
In this time of concern, confusion, chaos, and consternation I figured I might try to write something “light” this morning.  The times are evil, the earth is filled with terror and wickedness and we must be mindful of that, however, sometimes we must stand back, reorient ourselves and take a short rest.  Rest is vital for a sound physical body; rest is vital for emotional and mental well-being; rest is important for our spiritual health to be renewed.  The problem with rest is that people can become lazy, they can become lackadaisical, they can become complacent if they continue in their rest.
    Our nation is in turmoil and it will not be solved by a presidential election.  There must be a national awakening in which God is one again exalted.  Unless the Holy Spirit sends conviction the country will continue on its downward slope.
In the midst of all this, and your own personal life, don’t forget to stop and smell the roses once in a while, but while doing so remember in the midst of rosebushes there are thorns.  In fact, it’s always good to remember not to walk barefooted in a rose garden.
    So here’s one story.  A family returning home from church began their devastating criticisms.  The mother objected to the sermon.  The father ridiculed the ushers.  The older sister made light of the singing.  But it was the little son that tore them up when he said, “Still it was a pretty good show for a dime.” (taken from Grandpa Was a Preacher, Leroy Brownlow)
    Deer season opens Saturday.  Now, I’m no longer a hunter, but I don’t mind a venison steak or chop, or even some good sausage.  For me, part of the enjoyment in hunting was to be able to get out in God’s great cathedral.  I remember when I first hunted in Texas, as I grew up in Colorado.  I was told to get in the stand and wait overlooking an oat field.  Some use corn feeders for bait.  I wasn’t used to that.  In Colorado there was more stalking instead of climbing up into a deer stand.  
    “‘There is no need to travel unless you know your direction,’ was one of grandpa’s mottoes.  He said that one Sunday they had a guest speaker, a student from a seminary.  After the service, grandpa overheard him ask one of the deacons, a grizzled, plain-spoken man, what he thought of the morning’s efforts.  ‘Waal,’ answered the old man slowly, ‘I’ll tell ye; I’ll tell ye in a kind o’ parable.  It reminded me of Sim Peck’s furst deer hunt when he was green.  He follered the deer’s tracks all right, but he follered ’em all day in the wrong direction.'” (Grandpa Was a Preacher, Leroy Brownlow)
    There’s much truth in that little story.  We must be headed in the right direction.  So much of our country has traded the right for the wrong, the good for the bad, and they will do anything they wish.  Go back and read the Book of Judges where it speaks of man doing right in his own eyes. (Judges 21:25)  Hmmm, looks like it could come right out of today’s newspapers(?), media sources.  Unless they don’t like the story and will not tell it if it does not fit their agenda.  Therefore, it is imperative that we follow God’s Word and keep our focus on Him.
    It was good to rest, check the back trail, reflect on where you’ve come from, but now it’s time to get your bearings and rise.  Time to awaken, put off the slumber, rest has been taken.  The Lord is in control, of that you can be assured.  Perhaps it is time to put aside all the things that weigh us down and look to Him for the guidance that we need for our lives.