Echoes From the Campfire

Men can’t live without Him, and be men!”
              –Ralph Connor  (The Sky Pilot)

    “For to this end we both labor and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of those who believe.”
              –1 Timothy 4:10 (NKJV)
    E.M. Bounds said, “The fire burns altogether too low.”  Ponder that for a few seconds.  Does the fire of the Holy Spirit burn brightly in your heart, or is that fire only a faint glow?  I think many have missed what God is trying to do in the souls of His people and in the hearts of men in general.
    No, God did not send the “corona”, but He did allow it.  He was not surprised, and it should serve as a warning in many areas.  First, it should awaken each of us to fan the fire of the Spirit back into a flame.  Second, it should warn us how quickly a government  power can take over.  Third, it should awaken in us the power of fear.
    It is the devil who wants to “kill, steal, and destroy.”  He doesn’t necessarily want your financial destruction, but through that he’ll make you bitter, depressed, and fearful.  A panic produced by a disease, promoted by the media is used to destroy your health, add stress to your life, and turn your focus away from God.
    In this time, where the Lord is trying to speak to us, the devil has attempted to turn our thoughts away from God and toward the epidemic.  Instead of seeking God, men are living in fear, afraid to see family and friends.  They are worried about self-preservation instead of seeking the Lord and allowing Him to meet their needs.
    Christmas, that wonderful season, that beautiful time of the year, when we look forward to so many things.  Satan will try his best to keep you from the real truth and reason for the season.  This is the time when Jesus came to earth to begin His earthly life that would eventually lead to Calvary and the salvation of mankind.  This Christmas year, turn for a moment to dwell upon the words of the Psalmist.

         “My soul longs, yes, even faints
          For the courts of the LORD;
          My heart and my flesh cry out
             for the living God.”
                  –Psalm 84:2 (NKJV)

    I would encourage you this Christmas to focus on the meaning of Christmas.  Don’t let the media throw panic in your path, don’t let the joy of the season turn to fear.  Seek the Lord, focus on Him, cry out with your whole being to Him.  Cherish the purpose of Christmas and all that goes with it.