The Daily Paine

You’ve got to walk that lonesome valley
Well you gotta walk it by yourself
There ain’t nobody else gonna walk it for you
You gotta walk it by yourself.”
–unknown (maybe David Miller or Woody Guthrie)

“No hardship could seem too great, no trail too long, no mountain impassable when the vision was upon them.”
–Louis L’Amour

Where are you traveling friend?  Be careful of your trip and read the map and signs carefully.  When you come to a fork in the road or a crossroads, know which road you should be taking.  Do not play to chance.  Do not neglect your training or your planning.  Do not second-guess yourself.  Remember there is a road that may seem right, perhaps you should change your course, your direction, but that road can be dangerous and could lead to death (Proverbs 16:25).
Now to be honest, we go through life with the help of others.  Where would I be if my wife had not been by my side for almost 46 years?  Probably sitting, or laying in a ditch somewhere.  Where would I be if I had not had friends come along through the years?  They were helpers, encourages, supporters that helped me make it through tough and discouraging times.  Friends are there, sometimes only for a season, but when they are needed during that season all I had to do was seek them.
I have often wondered what happened to the great friendship of the Bible–David and Jonathan.  They were close friends, willing to die for each other.  It must have been a sad day when David had to flee because of the warning that came to him by Jonathan.  Wonder how many times each of them thought of the other in the days to come?  However, one thing is certain–they could not walk the other person’s road.  They each had a journey of their own.  Destiny?  Hmmm, maybe, but that is another subject all together.
Each person reading this is on their own journey.  People may aid you along the trail in one way or another, but they cannot do the walking for you.  The trip is yours and yours alone, except for the believer in Jesus Christ.  Then there is a person walking beside that can give aid, comfort, support, and guidance when it is needed.  The trail may be arduous, but do not quit, it is your trail.  Destiny?  Hmmm, maybe…Listen to the voice of the Spirit; He is your faithful Friend and Guide.

“Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?”
–Amos 3:3