The Daily Paine

A few decades ago, the Cosmic Humanists (New Age) came out with the new hope of mankind.  They said it was the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, but their hope was shattered.  It was a false hope to begin with, and the world has continued to spiral downward.  Chaos, insurrections, war, terrorism, famine, disease, pestilence and the list could continue.  All is delusion, false hope, for nothing can give true hope unless it is Jesus Christ, and when He does those things don’t bother the soul of the believer.

          “My hope is built on nothing less
           Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness;
           I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
           But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.”
               –Edward Mote

The storms come, and some even face the dark of night.  That time in life when all seems bleak and there is no hope.  Even for believers there are those times when the face of Jesus doesn’t seem to shine down on them.  (Read “Dark Night of the Soul”)  However, because of Christ, even in the darkest of nights, even in the fiercest of gales we can continue to hold on.

          “When darkness seems to hide His face,
           I rest on His unchanging grace;
           In ev’ry high and stormy gale,
           My anchor holds within the veil.”

His promises are sure.  When we falter remember that.  When despair rushes in–His promises are sure.  When doubts assail and you feel as if you cannot go on–His promises are sure.  When the tempest comes and all seems to be destroyed–His promises are sure.  In this we see the truth of faith, hope, and love for His promises are sure.

          “His oath, His covenant, His blood,
           Support me in the whelming flood;
           When all around my soul gives way,
           He then is all my hope and stay.”

This is one of my top ten favorite songs.  I might add that I mean the old version – not one that is sometimes sung now in churches.  Maybe it means more to me now that I’ve entered the autumn of my life and faced that heart attack a year ago.  Do I have one day, one month, or another year; no I don’t dwell on it, but it does enter my mind.  How can I possibly enter the throne room?  Only by the grace and through the blood of Christ.  My hope has to be in Him and then He will dress me in His righteousness.

          “When He shall come with trumpet sound,
           Oh, may I then in Him be found;
           Dressed in His righteousness alone,
           Faultless to stand before the throne.”

               “On Christ, the solid Rock I stand;
                All other ground is sinking sand,
                All other ground is sinking sand.”