The Daily Paine

Discipline is the soul of an army. It makes small numbers formidable; procures success to the weak, and esteem to all.”
–George Washington

“There is a Destiny which has the control of our actions, not to be resisted by the strongest efforts of Human Nature.”
–George Washington

Maybe I should have written this on Monday for Presidents’ Day.  If you get the chance, go back and read some about that terrible winter at Valley Forge.  There was no shelter and it was bitterly cold.  The first thing that General George Washington did was to set his men to build shelters.  Over two thousand soldiers died that winter due to exposure, starvation, and disease.  Only a third of the men had shoes, and they literally left bloody footsteps in the snow.
I read a story that really symbolizes the idea that came forth from that terrible winter in Valley Forge.  When you think of a forge, what comes to your mind?  “The most common definition of the word is ‘to hammer out.’  Our nation got forged here in Valley Forge, where there was a iron forge.  When our young Army came out of that winter, it had been forged into something tough and strong as iron.  The perseverance they showed that winter forged their will, a will that carried them ultimately to victory.”  (John Vermillion).
Perhaps that is what jerks my jaws when I see people so willingly ignorant of the sacrifice of men like those who gave so much.  We tend to make excuses for what happens to us, but those men, and others like them in similar dire circumstances, stood the test that nature and the enemy brought to bear against them.  The saying is so true, “All Gave Some, Some Gave All.”  There are few that now recognize or can relate to that saying.
However, many have faced the forge of a different sort.  There is the forge that works on a person’s spirit.  The enemy of our soul brings his forces to destroy, and if spirit and soul are not forged into a sort of spiritual steel then it is possible that a person could fall on the wayside.  Don’t despair when circumstances, no matter the type, come against you for it may be the Holy Spirit trying “to hammer out” your life.
“By the all-powerful dispensations of Providence, I have been protected beyond all human probability and expectation; for I had four bullets through my coat, and two horses shot under me, yet escaped unhurt, altho’ death was levelling my companions on every side.”
–George Washington

Another thing that gets to me at times are those “historians” out there that desperately and purposely try to destroy the character of those who have gone on before.  True, all people have their flaws, but how they deal with them and how they continue to go forward and face life is really more important.  There is talk of “fake news” but that is nothing new.  With revisionist eyes they look to the past and conjure up things that were not really there.
Men like Washington and Lincoln were not flawless, but they were men who were devoted to seeing their task through.  With them it was a sacred trust; a duty that must be faced.  These men set their hearts toward the duty that was before them, saw it through despite the difficulties, and ultimately came through victorious.
Instead of looking for defects we should take heart from what they did.  We should recognize that victory can often be ours if we dedicate ourselves to finish the course.  To maintain, despite defeats, the course that the Lord has before us.

“I have fought the good (worthy, honorable, and noble) fight, I have finished the race, I have kept (firmly held) the faith.”
–2 Timothy 4:7 (AMPC)

Echoes from the Campfire

I cut a lot of sign in my time and once I’ve seen the tracks a man leaves, I don’t forget.”
–Louis L’Amour  (The First Fast Draw)

“Set up road signs; put up guideposts.  Mark well the [trail] by which you came.  Come back again, my virgin Israel; return to your towns here.”
–Jeremiah 31:21 (NLT)

The Daily Paine

This world promises us so much.  Why, what can be denied, just look at the commercials on TV?  Drink this and you will have fun and all of the women/men you ever dreamed of.  Drive this car and see what will happen.  Dream big, the world awaits you.  Come on people, let’s party-hardy.  This gives me the good life; one that is robust.  What is the old beer commercial, “Go for the gusto!”?
Be careful, for it is all deceitful. There is only the illusion of happiness, and it is only for a short season.  Change it for the song that can only come through the Holy Spirit.

          “There is a song in my heart today,
           Something I never had;
           Jesus has taken my sins away,
           Oh! say, but I’m glad.”
                    –Jas. P. Sullivan

You may have found this life to be dark and dreary.  There is no sunlight and only darkness pervades.  It seems to be an unending night with no hope for a brighter tomorrow.  Maybe you’ve even been dragged down to the pit of despair and darkness.  You live in a cave and never venture out or hope for the light of a better and brighter day.
     However, if you let Jesus take control of your life; allow Him to remove the sadness and sorrow then you’ll be able to sing even in the darkest tunnel.

           “Wonderful, marvelous love He brings,
            Into a heart that’s sad;
            Thro’ darkest tunnels the soul just sings,
            Oh! say, but I’m glad.”

More and more as we travel through this world of care we need to realize that the Holy Spirit gives us a special song to sing.  The world can be rough and wear on the soul if we let it, but through the Spirit we can rise above those wearisome days.

           “We have a fellowship rich and sweet,
            Tongues can never relate;
            Abiding in Him is a real treat,
            Oh! say, but I’m glad.”

Give Him a chance and you’ll never be sorry.  Give Him your cares and you’ll see He is the great burden lifter and bearer.  Give Him your sadness and weariness and you’ll find that the way is much lighter and brighter.  The so-called “good life” of the world will be dim and truly look dreary when you have that song in your heart that He has given you.

           “Won’t you come to Him with all your care,
            Weary and worn and sad?
            You too, will sing as His love you share.
            Oh! say, but I’m glad.

                    Oh! say, but I’m glad, I’m glad,
                    Oh! say, but I’m glad;
                    Jesus has come and my cup’s overrun;
                    Oh! say, but I’m glad.”

Echoes from the Campfire

The only one you can really count on is you…and if you can’t count on that hombre…you’re in trouble.”
–Lou Bradshaw (One Man Standing)

“Let those who are wise understand these things. Let those with discernment listen carefully. The [trails] of the LORD are true and right, and righteous people live by walking in them. But in those [trails] sinners stumble and fall.”
–Hosea 14:9 (NLT)