The Saga of Miles Forrest

Come on Miles, sit down, supper is almost ready.”
I came into the camp and sat down across from him by the fire. I looked down and watched him cook, and then saw the scars.
“Miles, you have scars too. They are different from mine in a way, but many of them are similar. Yes, I see the scars, the physical and the spiritual. You received many of them by sacrificing yourself.” He then handed me a cup of coffee.
“I know that You’re with me all the time, but when You come like this there is usually something behind it,” I paused and took a sip wondering if I was asking too much. “Is this the time?”
“How’s the coffee?” He asked. “Troubles are coming. It’s enough for you to know that I am with you. Rest in that knowledge and take courage.”
It was stupid of me to say so, but I looked down and saw His spurs and boots. “I sure do  admire those golden spurs,” then I looked up and He was gone.
I reached over and ate the bacon He cooked. Another stupid thought went through my mind, “I wonder if this is kosher bacon, if there’s such a thing?” Nevertheless I ate it and drank the coffee. Coffee always tasted smoother made with snow. It would be another day and a half before I reached Silverton so I turned in early.
Sometime during the night I wakened, it was still and cold. Then I noticed an putrid odor. “Been wondering if you were going to wake up, friend Miles,” then came the cackle. “He’s given you to me. This time you’re mine.” Then that laugh. I don’t know how a person can snarl and laugh at the same time, but the Pale Rider seemed to have it down.
“Get out!” I cried. “How dare you come in this camp when He’s been here?”
“Turn over Forrest, I want to see your face. I want to stare into your eyes knowing that He has forsaken you.”
“Get out! I know better than that, for He will never leave me or forsake me. You can’t deceive me that way.” I pulled my blanket up over my shoulder and tried to block out his smell.
“Forrest! Forrest, turn over and look at me!” I just ignored him.
“Forrest! I’ll make you pay.”
“Join the club,” and all of a sudden a peace came upon me and I reckoned I went to sleep for it was morning when I woke to the sound of a Camp Robber squawking.
The Pale Rider sort of left my mind as Hawk and I continued our way to Silverton. I don’t know what I expected to find. Maybe Ferguson, maybe my end, but I wasn’t worried.
When I came to the diggings I let Hawk slow to a walk. I wanted to enter the town aware of everything around me. It seemed like there were more miners than ever before. Riding up to the Wells Fargo office I stopped, tied Hawk to the rail, and went in.
“Mister Forrest!” came the exclamation. “How did you get up the trail? They blocked it off and won’t unload the passengers from the train as well.”
“Willie, what’s goin’ on?” I asked.
“They’re not letting anyone from Durango come up here–diphtheria!”
I looked at him and rushed out. I flung myself up on Hawk and gave him a spur to which he took off toward the rail station. The town marshal was there with several deputies. I came upon the marshal and the conductor having an argument.
“Get me and Hawk on that train!” I hollered.
“Can’t do that Mr. Forrest,” the conductor answered.
“The quarantine is that no one can get off. I’m gettin’ on!”
“There’s no room and no tickets available. Sorry.”
“I’ll stay with Hawk in the stock car,” then I pulled my badge. “And this is my ticket!” He finally agreed.
Now I was anxious. The ride down would only be about four hours, but I believed it was the longest four hours I had ever spent. When we stopped at the station in Durango, I jumped off before the train stopped. Hurrying along I hollered at Henry, “Take care of Hawk,” and I rushed to the eatery. It was closed.
Muttering to myself, “Marta’s, she has to be at Marta’s.” And I found myself running.
There was a black wreath on the door of Marta’s home. I banged on the door and it slowly opened. Entering the home, Marta grabbed me by the shoulders but I shrugged her off. My eye caught movement in the darkened corner; he was there–the Pale Rider. I moved through the little house and on the bed…

Coffee Percs

CampireI think the coffee is a right idea.  We’ll have us a fire, make coffee… .”
–Louis L’Amour  (Kid Rodelo)

Mornin’ there pard, sit down, so I can pour you a cup.  This has been some week, let me tell you.  Say, I was just a-thinkin’–you’ll still come by and visit now and then when I move out to the woods won’t you?  I’m not through sharin’ with you; still some thoughts float through my ol’ gray matter. 
The mournin’ doves are sure makin’ a racket this mornin’, but that’s a good sound compared to the hatred that is aboundin’ in this country.  My goodness, in all my years I’ve never seen so much hatred.  Look on the faces of some people, and that’s from the top like that Pelosi woman down to the person in the street, and all you see is anger and hatred.  Makes me wonder what is goin’ on within their spirit.  Pard, we can’t do much for them, but we sure need to make sure that hatred doesn’t enter our hearts–that’s one of those things that will destroy you and keep you out of those pearly gates.
I need a refill, how ’bout you?  Be right back.  Ahhhh, let me tell you another thing.  I went out to a graduation of a fine arts college.  Man-oh-man, what I didn’t see.  There were a few women there, well, let me just say I’ve seen more cotton in an aspirin bottle than they had on their bodies.  Plus there were some of them alternative people there, and say what you want, they are just plain strange.  Let me just tell you, I know that I don’t fit in with that crowd.  Sure prefer your company.
Oh yeah, saw a bunch of my old friends.  Perhaps you were among that group.  We sat around talkin’ ’bout the old days, and speculated on the future.  It was a good time, plus the food was good and plenty of coffee.  These were folk you could ride the river with–dependable and God’ fearin’.
Besides all of the packin’ and gettin’ things ready, we had our anniversary.  Went out to one of those high-falutin’ places.  It was good fixin’s but I can cook a steak as good as that, and Annie can make the rest of the fixin’s.  An’ the atmosphere–well to tell you the truth pard, it was too uppity for an ol’ fence post like me.
My mercy, I’ve gone on too long for a Saturday.  Like I said, a busy week.  One thing I’m more and more cognizant of (fancy word for me), is that the Lord takes care of us, day-by-day.  Always enjoy your company; watch for obstacles along the trail so keep your gun and Bible ready.
Say, don’t you go a-ridin’ out without checkin’ your cinch!

Echoes from the Campfire

Well–well, if you believed in God your case would not be hopeless. But some men–a few out of the man wanderers–find God out here in these wilds.”
–Zane Grey (Wanderer of the Wasteland)

“Yes, the day of the Lord will be dark and hopeless, without a ray of joy or hope.”
–Amos 5:20 (NLT)
“You are of your father the devil, and it is your will to practice the desires [which are characteristic] of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks what it natural to him, for he is a liar and the father of lies and half-truths. But because I speak the truth, you do not believe Me [and continue in your unbelief].”
–John 8:44-45 (AMP)

I don’t know why we should be surprised, but the closer we are to the coming of the Lord, the more we are going to see the works of evil. People in high places are either completely fools, completely deceived, or completely trying to deceive others. More than likely they are a combination of the three. Look at the news and in some of them you can actually see in their faces the deceitfulness of their heart. I watched one senator, upon asking a Christian who was being interviewed for office, if he thought because of his beliefs that Muslims and others are condemned. When he was answered I thought the senator was going to burst a blood vessel in his neck.
Be ready, and again I’ll say be ready for the attacks are only going to increase. The agenda of the world is definitely against those of the Word. Another thing to be careful of is compromise. Jesus, never compromised the truth. He never apologized for speaking and living the truth. There is no blending of light and darkness. Jesus dealt in the area of truth, not public relations. When people disregard the truth, they show who their real father is.
By their fruits you shall know them–look at what is being said. Look at how the news and the truth is being twisted. The term is now “fake news.” Nonsense, call it what it is–LIES. I am not a conspiracist by any means, but there is one great conspiracy out there and it is led by the devil.
“We set our place, we set our pace
we fill our calendar
We haven’t any time to waste
so, we must whip and spur
Go, sieze the day. Go, make the hay
the sun won’t always shine
And nothing takes forever
‘specially, running out of time.”
–Waddie Mitchell

Now, I’m not one who claims to have too many friends. Maybe it’s because I not such a friendly person. But in the last couple of weeks I’ve felt the hearts of many whom I will claim as friend. Sometimes we tend to drift apart, not necessarily purposeful, but life just sort of happens. Then we have those special times when we have what we call a “homecoming” or maybe better in our case right now a “going-away.”
We get busy, busy, and more busy. Our calendars are full and we make them more full by adding things that might not necessarily be that important. We put friends aside, not really meaning to, but busyness gets in the way. Then, all of a sudden, we find that we have run out of time.
Here’s a little saying that makes a lot of horse sense. It is kind of a good way to look at life.

“You miss a lot when you travel at a gallop.”

Now I know there are times to get up and get moving! Sometime you have to put the spur to life, but more often than not we miss some of the things that the good Lord has given us to appreciate. It’s also hard to be aware of the things around you when you’re rushing around at a gallop; something might come upon you unawares.

Echoes from the Campfire

Another swap and another raking of spurs, not knowing where he was, not caring, knowing only that a trail is longer or shorter and that no man rides forever.”
–Brice Walton (The Land Beyond)

“I pondered the direction of my life, and I turned to follow your laws.”
–Psalm 119:59 (NLT)
Have you ever read the grand old classic, “Robinson Crusoe”?  It was one of the first English novels, and if you haven’t taken the time to read it you should.  Make it part of your summer reading program.  I was going over some of my notes that I took from the book and it caused me to ponder some.

“In a word, as my life was a life of sorrow one way, so it was a life of mercy another; and I wanted nothing to make it a life of comfort but to be able to make my sense of God’s goodness to me and care over me in this condition be my daily consolation.”
–Daniel Defoe

My question then to you is, what is your life?  Have you been living a life for someone else?  Perhaps you are living a life of illusion and fantasy.  Maybe you are one of those who want to live the Peter Pan Syndrome and never grow up.  Has your life been one of woe and sorrow and if so why?  The types could go on, but the reality is that we should live a life that brings glory to God no matter what situation we find ourselves in.
We think more of our woes and fears than we do of God’s goodness.  We whine and want more and more of God’s blessings when we do not take the time to thank Him for what He has already given us.  At the end of each day we should stop and thank Him for His goodness toward us this day.  I recall the words from Paul:

“Not that I speak from [any personal] need, for I have learned to be content [and self-sufficient through Christ, satisfied to the point where I am not disturbed or uneasy] regardless of my circumstances.”
–Philippians 4:11 (AMP)

As a castaway Crusoe had to learn the lessons of survival.  He realized that God watched over him day-by-day, but more importantly he had to learn the lessons given to him by the Spirit.
“You can’t insult arrogance.”

My mercy, that is the truth.  Arrogance is despicable.  I don’t hardly watch the political scene because not only of the arrogance, but the stupidity that arises from it.  There is an agenda in America and much of it comes from arrogant people.  They don’t care about people, only their agenda.
Folks, hang in there, the Lord is surely getting things ready.