Echoes from the Campfire

Every morning, first task was to bask in the peace that vista brought to his heart.”
–C. Wayne Winkle (One Last Chase)

“You will enjoy the fruit of your labor. How joyful and prosperous you will be!”
–Psalm 128:2 (NLT)
The ol’ steel mount is packed and we’re ready to head out in the morning. Not sure when I’ll get back online, but we’re heading east at our leisure. Don’t worry, I’ve packed some coffee just in case we pull off the road somewhere to just enjoy life. So you keep a-looking and as was a slogan in our family, look for me when you see the dust flyin’. Hopefully while on our trip I’ll finish my book.
I’m going to borrow some thoughts from my pastor’s sermon yesterday; commentary is mine. The title, “Lessons From Harvey”.
1) There are a lot of good Samaritans. I’ve written often about the wickedness of man’s heart and the evil of the world. However, man can and does do good. The Good Samaritan in Scripture was not particularly a “good man”, but he stopped and did “good” for his fellow man. James Michener said that war made good men better and bad men worse. That is true of any kind of war.
2) If you have befriended someone in the storm, maintain the contact afterward. Helping someone along the road is one thing for the chance that you’ll see them again is slim. But someone who might be in your neighborhood, try and contact them after the storm.
3) Your stuff matters. We often fall into the cliché, I have my life and that is all that matters. To a point that is true, but “stuff” does matter. The question is what stuff? Pastor made mention of a man whose wife died a few years ago, and now he has lost all his stuff in the flood. He is in his 80s and is too old to go back to work. Those things that were lost to him that do matter. Be careful of being too trite.
4) There are many different types of tears. Jesus asked Mary why she was crying and she gave an answer that her Master’s body had been taken away. Some cry tears for various reasons, there are even tears of joy. Be sensitive to the tears and the situation.
5) You can make an impact if even to only one person. Our church is doing quite a bit to help, especially locally and in those little towns that are never mentioned in the news. No, we cannot reach the whole region, but you might be able to help right where you are.
6) Jesus is the firm foundation. No matter the type of storm. No matter what was lost. If you have Jesus as your Rock and Refuge, you can hold on and make it through.
7) God rides on the wings of the wind. I almost can picture the Lord mounting the wind, one hand in the air, “yeehaw” He shouts. “And He rode upon a cherub [a storm] and flew [swiftly]; yes, He sped on with the wings of the wind.” (Psalm 18:10, AMPC) Storms do not phase Him. He rides on the wind and He can walk on the raging sea.
8) God gives the ability to rebuild. Nehemiah is a great story about rebuilding and there is a key verse, 4:6, “the people had a mind to work.” To rebuild you must have the mind to clean up the rubble, get the tools and equipment, and start the work. One of the most important phrases in all of Scripture are two words, “But God.” When life comes at you like a storm, “but God.” When there is no hope, “But God.” Try adding that phrase to areas of your life.
Principle of the Big Squeeze
What comes out under pressure. It all depends on what was in before the pressure.

Coffee Percs

He swallowed a gulp of coffee, a look of deep reflection on his face.”
–Jory Sherman

Come on in pard; it’s amazing the difference in a week.  Last week we were gettin’ soaked to the gills, but the past couple of days have been sunny and bright.  Good thing too, I noticed the coffee stash start to dwindle.  
It was implied to me that I may talk too much politics.  Now, I don’t want to do that.  Politics can rile the gizzard and I really don’t care for those rascals much anyway.  It’s not the politics that get to me; it’s the stupidity of those we have elected to office to be our leaders.  Lookin’ at some of them it is downright scary.  They’re the kind of folk that think they can put a mirror on the table and eat on their good looks.
They’ve been railing on poor ol’ Christopher Columbus for several years but guess California finally took the step.  Columbus Day this year will be Indigenous Peoples Day.  Crazy!  Where would the folk in California be if ol’ Chris hadn’t sailed the seas by in 1492?  Say what you want, but the Europeans brought many good changes to the land.  People who go nuts on things like this ought to read Peter Marshall’s, “The Light and the Glory.”  
Have a few chores on my list today.  Need to mow the lower forty and then get the mount ready to travel.  It’s been a while so don’t know if I recollect how to tie things down with the diamond hitch.  Reckon I can figure it out.  Next week the wife and I will be travelin’ to that eastern land.  In fact, we’ll be campin’ down just shy of that Emerald City.  Might not hear much from Ira after Tuesday, but plan to be puttin’ things together and we’ll share coffee on Saturday.  Hope the eldest makes her coffee strong enough.  That’s one thing ’bout bein’ on the road; have to drink other’s coffee.  I used to always carry a pot in the back of my truck and could stop when I wanted.
So, pard, have a great week.  Don’t you fret none, I’ve traveled this parts enough to know that I need to check my cinch.

Echoes from the Campfire

A man can do worse than be by himself. He can read. He can think. He can sit on the porch and listen to the sounds of life out yonder.”
–Elmer Kelton (The Man Who Rode Midnight)

“This left Jacob all alone in the camp, and a man came and wrestled with him until the dawn began to break.”
–Genesis 32:24 (NLT)
“Men think of the world not as a battleground, but as a playground.”
–A.W. Tozer

“True Christianity is a struggle, a fight and a warfare.”
–J.C. Ryle

I remember not long after President Bush left office that the phrase “War on Terror” was not to be used. Instead the new president said that it was an “Overseas Contingency Operation.” So, the question is, how do you execute a non-war? If there is not a war, then how do you make plans to win? What kind of missions do you are your soldiers sent to fulfill?
Are pastors not doing the same thing? In fact, I read where 40% of Christians say that Satan is only a symbol of evil. He is not a real being and in the past there was too much hype about him. Pastors are not preaching the complete truth from the pulpit. They are giving the picture of life as a “playground.” Their messages are ones of indifference, ignorance, but not revealing the truth of evil and how the devil continues to deceive. Hmmm, seems like they may even be deceived.
R. Kent Hughes wrote, “When it comes to human subversion, he is the ultimate manipulator.” Just look at some of Satan’s activities: he beguiles, seduces, opposes, resists, deceives, sows terror, hinders, buffets, tempts, persecutes, blasphemes, and more. Has he tried any of those on you?
Realize that in the last days the war will intensify. Spiritual warfare will become more and more intense, and right now most Christians do not take spiritual warfare seriously. We may be offended by someone, and say “oh my,” but then we go our way and are seduced by Satan. We laugh at entertainers and pay money to fill their already fat pockets. Here are two examples:

January 13, 2011, Colbert took the Doritos Super Bowl ad (which thankfully wasn’t aired) to equating Jesus with a corn chip who “snackerficed” Himself for our sins.
Elton John said, “Jesus was a compassionate, super-intelligent gay man who understood human problems.”

We continue to endorse these people and others like them. We laugh when we should be crying at the depravity of man. We snicker at crude jokes even if they border on blasphemy. What is sacred? It often starts very subtly by showing irreverence to the things of God. Go ahead and mock what I’m saying, but the devil is a deceiver.
I came across the following in some of my old notes and thought I would share it with you. It was written by Air Force Chaplain, Leonard S. Edmonds.
“Every person takes refuge in something. Life is such that no person is free of trouble. Responsibilities produce worry and tension. Our tasks are often dangerous, monotonous, unpleasant. People are sometimes difficult. World conditions are disturbing and threatening. Events occur daily to disturb and sadden our lives. Death stalks our paths.
To relieve our anxieties, fears, and hostilities, we seek a refuge of one kind or another. We read a book, play cards, or go to a movie. We gather with friends to share our stories, fun, and complaints. We go to school, develop a hobby, listen to music, or take part in sports. Sometimes we seek refuge in ways more harmful than helpful.
But there are times when no refuge is adequate but God himself. For the ordinary troubles and tensions of the day, the book or hobby or evening with our friends may provide all the release from anxiety we need. But when the great tragedies strike, when our fondest dreams are shattered or death comes near, we need a Refuge that this world cannot provide. We need God!
Prayer: Help us, O Lord, to be still and know that you are God. In the time of trouble, be our refuge and strength. In life or death, keep us in your love. Amen.”
“In thee, O Lord, do I seek refuge.” Psalm 31:1 (RSV)