Echoes From the Campfire

Coffee with potYet friendship had its ties which held even when friendship is gone.  It was a cold-blooded man who suddenly, on the morning of bad luck, cut these ties clean and stepped away.  It meant the ties were never very real; it meant a man’s loyalty was a shifty thing, subject to any variation in weather.  If a man could not stand fast in a few things, what kind of meaning did life have?”
–Ernest Haycox  (Canyon Passage)

“A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need.”
–Proverbs 17:17 (NLT)
I was thinking, pondering actually, about the term “prime”.  It could mean meat.  For example, a prime cut.  Does that describe you?  Not a piece of meat, but prime.  Some of you may remember back to the old days when getting water meant going to the well or pump.  If you had a hand-pump the first thing you had to do was prime it.  That pump just wouldn’t work unless it was primed.  Are you the primer that brings the water gushing out?  Then I thought of the blackpowder weapons.  After moving from flint they went to a primer.  Load the rifle or pistol with lead and powder and nothing would happen unless there was a primer attached.  The hammer would hit the primer causing a spark and then the weapon would discharge.  Are you a primer from which would come a large explosion?
Every morning most of you reading this need a primer.  You head for the coffeepot.  There is a rule where I live, first one up makes the coffee.  That means me for I’m usually the first one up.  I make it strong; I want those drinking it to be primed for the day!  Bah on those who drink cinos or soda pop for breakfast.  That doesn’t really do much priming. (hmmm, maybe I should have saved this for my Saturday Coffee Perc.)
Ahhhh, the smell, the sound, the flavor that comes from that cup of coffee.  Think about it now, does your life exude the sound, flavor and smell that is pleasing to the Lord; the sound of a spirit-led life?  And while I’m on coffee, it was the third most important requirement of our soldiers in both World War I and World War II, just under arms and ammunition.
“All of a sudden, Fred gave a scream and reared up almost throwing me off.  After he came back on all four legs he was snorting and agitated.  I looked to see what caused this reaction: slithering off the side of the road was a large rattler.  I pulled my gun.
‘Easy, Elias,’ cautioned Brown.
‘I don’t like snakes!’  And I watched as it went around the building looking for shade.
Fred had settled down, and my heart was nearly back to normal, so we continued on down what seemed to be the main street.  Tom started to rein in at the first building, a cantina, but I shook my head as I remembered that snake was somewhere in the vicinity.”
(excerpt from Mal de Ojo)

Satan, that old serpent, still slithers around causing screams and havoc.  He would like nothing better than to sink his fangs deep into your heart and soul.  Be aware then, of your steps.  Do you realize that when the curse is removed and Jesus reigns during the Millennial Period that the serpent will still bear the remarks of the curse as a reminder?

“‘The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, The lion shall eat straw like the ox, And dust shall be the serpent’s food. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain,’ Says the Lord.”
–Isaiah 65:25 (NKJV)

Coffee Percs

By ten thirty everyone was awake, fed and drunk enough coffee to create a world wide coffee shortage, or at least it seemed like it.”
–Lou Bradshaw

Come in pard, chilly out there. Got some of this hot java ready for your gullet this mornin’. Been a bit cold the past few days, but that’s the way its supposed to be this time of year. Yesterday was right nice. I like to do my writin’ outside and almost had to come in.
Say, that wasn’t you out a-howlin’ the other day was it? I reckoned it was just coyotes bayin’, but then I saw those snowflakes out howlin’ at the sky because Hillary still wasn’t elected. Stupidity added to stupidity. Were they hopin’ some sky god would come to their aid or just releasin’ suppressed stupidity from their stupid genes. Just so it weren’t you, pard!
Yuh gettin’ warm now? Is it the coffee or just the warmth of my personality? I know I’m ready for another cup; my gizzard hollered howdy when that first one settled down inside. Say, I’ve got another one for yuh. The more I hear and read, the more I get to shakin’ my head. People are supposed to be gettin’ smarter, but stupidity seems to reign. Did yuh see where a woman (? can’t be sure anymore) went to Taco Bell and ordered french fries? They politely informed her she was in the wrong fast food place. Then came the screamin’ and accusations of racism. Now, I tried hard to find the racism in Sugar Pops, but now because she was not given fries at Taco Bell, that company is racist. I’m believin’ more and more that the howl of racism is just an excuse for personal stupidity and laziness.
‘Nother cup, my you must have been cold. Ahhh, but it is tasty. How ’bout Germany? I think it starts in 2018, they must have a third gender on birth certificates. I’ve got one for them. They can check ____male ____female or ____duh. It’s time believers start lookin’ up, for I can’t see where the Lord is pleased. No wonder He raised the question about when He returns will He find faith on the earth.
Mercy! Do you realize that it’s almost pie time? Mmmm, mmmm, of course, some turkey to go along with the pies. Yuh better be out gettin’ the shoppin’ done. Say! Were yuh startin’ to mount without checkin’ yur cinch?

Echoes From the Campfire

In Flanders Fields
By: Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD (1872-1918)
Canadian Army

In Flanders Fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

It was called the Great War; the War to end all wars, but now commonly referred to as World War I. It also marked the beginning of the nationalization of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (though a few years later). If you have ever been to Gettysburg there are many makers there that simply read “Unknown” so the “Tomb” symbolizes and represents all of those in America who died “known only to God.”
This is my traditional note on Veterans Day. Don’t skip over the lines, but take time to read them; get them into your heart, mind, and soul. Understand the tremendous cost of those valiant ones who lay beneath the sod.
My Grandpa Kenlock F. Jones served in the army during World War I as did his sister Henrietta Jones. My Grandpa Adkisson tried to enlist and they told him he was too young. He and a friend went, got tattoos, and went to another town to enlist. Guess what? They saw through the ruse and told him that he was still too young.
One story on my Dad during World War II. I think it was in the Philippines that Dad hurt his finger. The doctor worked on it; there was a war going on so he had to get back in the action. They “fixed” his finger, so that it could never straighten fully, but it had movement so he could pull a trigger.
Just a few notes on Veterans Day. Take time to thank a Vet!

Echoes From the Campfire

They only prayed!  I heard that comment over and over.  The unbeliever, the person of the world has no concept of the sovereignty of God, no concept of biblical faith, no concept of the heavenly Father.  All they can do in a horrible situation is mock and scorn.  However, to the believer, Death Hath No Terrors.  Not that it is immediately welcomed, but the fear is gone.  The true believer will be able to say, “O Death, where is thy sting?”. (1 Corinthians 15:55)  In reality it is death that is mocked.

          “Death has no terrors for the blood-bought one,
           O glory hallelujah to the Lamb!
           The boasted vict’ry of the grave is gone,
           O glory hallelujah to the Lamb!”
                    –C.P. Jones

The believer has already experienced death for he has died to the world.  The world, its pain, sorrow, and woe does not hold the Christian under its sway.  Instead of fear there is the power of the Holy Spirit.  If the believer is on their deathbed, the soul is still vibrant and alive.

          “Our souls die daily to the world and sin, 
           O glory hallelujah to the Lamb!
           By the Spirit’s power as He dwells within,
           O glory hallelujah to the Lamb!”

We are pilgrims on this earth, wandering toward that glorious, heavenly city.  This world does not hold us, for we will dwell in a mansion that Jesus has prepared for us.  While we travel there may be toil and trouble, but the joys that are waiting for us on that heavenly shore will never cease.

          “We seek a city far beyond this vale,
           O glory hallelujah to the Lamb!
           Where joys celestial never, never fail,
           O glory hallelujah to the Lamb!”

Onward we go no matter what the foe brings against us.  Temptations shall be no more.  Storms rage now, but they will cease.  People may gloat over us, but soon they will be passed by.  The heart may ache, but that is only temporary.  Those that mock cannot understand the hope and peace that the believer has when faced with eternity.  Perhaps that is why they scorn so; they do not have that hope.

          “We’ll the press forward to the heav’nly land,
           O glory hallelujah to the Lamb!
           Nor mind the troubles met on ev’ry hand,
           O glory hallelujah to the Lamb!”

Two and a half years ago I lay on a gurney ready for a procedure to take care of a blocked artery in my heart.  I stared at the ceiling, but I was not anxious or fretful.  There was peace; if death came it had no terror for me.  There was nothing I could do about it anyway.  So I just put my trust in the Lord; He was in control anyway.

          “We’ll rise some day just as our Savior rose,
           O glory hallelujah to the Lamb!
           Till then shall death be but a calm repose,
           O glory hallelujah to the Lamb!

                    Jesus rose from the dead,
                    Rose triumphant as He said,
                    Snatched the vict’ry from the grave,
                    Rose again our souls to save–
                    O glory hallelujah to the Lamb!”