Echoes From the Campfire

I’ve had fancy, and I’ve had fillin’.  Give me fillin’ every time.”
              –Elmer Kelton  (The Pumpkin Rollers)

    “He did not even spare His own Son but offered Him up for us all; how will He not also with Him grant us everything?”
              –Romans 8:32 HCSB
Here is a hymn that possibly will never be sung in a church again.  The words are just not proper for the enlightened Christian of the 21st century.  After all, God’s Word is meant to be interpreted by the individual, not actually doing and living by the actual, authoritative Word of God.

              “Take time to be holy,
               Speak oft with thy Lord;
               Abide in Him always,
               And feed on His Word.
               Make friends of God’s children;
               Help those who are weak;
               Forgetting in nothing
               His blessing to seek.”
                       –William Dunn Longstaff

Time does truly rush on.  Technology is trying to take the place of God.  Phone time, not study time.  Social media, not prayer.  Knowledge is rampant and right at our fingertips, therefore, the seeking of God should be the same way.  Tarry?  My, what an archaic word.  I don’t have time to spend with God in secret for the big game is coming on.  On and on and on we make with the excuses and yet we are told to be holy.

              “Take time to be holy,
               The world rushes on;
               Much time spend in secret
               With Jesus alone;
               By looking to Jesus,
               Like Him thou shalt be;
               Thy friends in thy conduct
               His likeness shall see.”

Troubles come, emotional roller-coasters, need help in your struggles no matter what type they are.  Go to the pyschologist, the nearest guru, or find the right signs in the stars.  No the answer is to seek Christ.  Seek to be more like Him.  Oh, but that means to be holy.  It means to take time in His presence.  It means to listen to Him and not rush ahead of what He is doing in your life.  It means to make sure that every motive is in line with His Word.  Our thoughts need to be captive and in obedience to His Word and will.  It is not done in a rush, just like the training of a soldier is not done overnight, being trained to be a disciple of the Lord takes time.

              “Take time to be holy,
               Let Him be thy guide,
               And run not before Him
               Whatever betide;
               In joy or in sorrow
               Still follow the Lord,
               And, looking to Jesus,
               Still trust in His Word.

               Take time to be holy,
               Be calm in thy soul;
               Each thought and each motive
               Beneath His control;
               Thus led by His Spirit
               To fountains of love,
               Thou soon shalt be fitted
               For service above.”

First Peter 1:16 declares, “Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.”  Our lives should be like that of Jesus and therefore we should seek holiness, more so as the evil grows and the day of the Lord approaches.  Peter wrote again, “Since all these things are to be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be [in the meantime] in holy behavior [that is, in a pattern of daily life that sets you apart as a believer] and in godliness [displaying profound reverence toward our awesome God].” (2 Peter 3:11, AMP)
    Interesting that last phrase.  We are on this earth and what we do here largely determines our “service above.”  Something to ponder.

The Saga of Miles Forrest

I had just sat down in the diner, returning from the trial.  Molly was required to testify, so she went by the cabin to change before coming on down to work.  The trial of Billy Denton was uneventful, except for a few tears and wails from Lillian in which I got the distinct impression that it was for show.  Billy was sentenced to fifty years in the penitentiary at Canon City.  There was no sign of any of the others who might have been associated with those in the shootout at the jail just days prior.
    Having just poured a cup of coffee, I sat there sipping and sort-of sulking.  That’s it–sipping and sulking, for I had been assigned by the court to escort Billy Denton to Canon City, leaving at the end of the week.  I had hoped that another deputy would be sent, but because I was already there Judge Broomfield decided to use me.
    I had finished about half the cup when I noticed a presence sitting at the table.  Now instead of sulking, I became a little depressed.
    “Friend, Miles, I’m still waiting for you.  Thought I had you back in New Mexico; shame young Denton and Billington were so inept in carrying out their mission.  Of course, they didn’t know they were working for the “Prince” in doing so.  But, at least some were sent my way,” then he let out that cursed cackle of his. “Your time will come Mister Marshal Forrest, and I will surely dance and celebrate when you are finally in my clutches.”
    Glancing at the putrid form sitting at the table I seemed to gain some strength.  “The reason they missed is because my life is in the hands of the Creator and Sustainer of my life.”  When I said that I could see him recoil a bit, the blood running through his blood veins that I could see pulsating through his pale skin.  “And you’ll never have me in your clutches.  When I pass on, it will be in the arms of Christ!”
    With that I heard a screech, and then there was an odor that seemed to permeate the region where he had been sitting, but at least the Pale Rider had disappeared.  I no longer feared him, as I once did years back.  Sometimes the devil’s grin might come to me in a dream, but it was rare any more.
    “Miles, who were you talking to?” asked Molly.  She came in as I was saying the words that sent my adversary on his way.  She was wearing a light gray cotton skirt and blouse with her white apron over it.  
    “Molly, are you a cook, or a nurse?” I questioned seeing her in that outfit.  
    “Hannah brought it by and wondered if I wanted it.  Now, who were you talking with?”
    I hesitated, then said, “My old nemesis, the Pale Rider.”
    She sighed, “And…”
    “And he left.”
    “That’s all.  I had some words for him, which he didn’t care for and left,” I replied.  “Let me get you some coffee.”
    I stood up and went to the stove to grab the pot and a cup from the counter.  “I’ll drink a cup, but then I need to get to the kitchen,” she said and then took a sip.  “I’m glad the trial is over, but I don’t like it that you were given the task of escorting Billy to prison,” she took another sigh and I placed my hand on her arm.  “It just seems like that young man brings grief and I don’t want any more brought to us.”
    “Say, why don’t you take off tomorrow and we’ll ride up the canyon a ways and have us picnic.  You haven’t ridden Two-Bits in a while and it’ll do us both good.  I have to leave in a couple of days, so let’s have one day to ourself.”
    She looked at me and smiled.  “I’ll talk to Marta.  It should be all right.”
    I finished my coffee and stood up.  “I’m goin’ to go check on Charlie and then see if I have a telegram.”
    “I’ll talk to Marta and let you know tonight at the cabin.  Right now, I need to go help Anihu in the kitchen.  I might need to make some pie crusts if I’m going to be gone tomorrow.”
    Molly got out of her chair and came to me for a hug.  “You be careful as far as Billy Denton’s concerned,” she admonished.
    “I’m always careful, you know that.”

Echoes From the Campfire

He has a true man’s heart, and holds a great purpose in it.”
              –Ralph Connor  (The Sky Pilot)

    “I have set the Lord always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.”
              –Psalm 16:8 (KJV)
Take a good look at the last few verses of Psalm 2.  These verses show a side of God that is not often preached about anymore.  It is a side of God that is tough and uncompromising.  It is important to realize that God does not compromise.  Sin cost His Son’s life; however, sin also brought Him joy that mankind could now be redeemed.

              “I will declare the LORD’s decree: He said to Me, ‘You are My Son; today I have become Your Father.  Ask
of Me, and I will make the nations Your inheritance and the ends of the earth Your possession.  You will break them with a rod of iron; You will shatter them like pottery.'”  (2:7-9, HCSB)

“You are My son” refers to three people in Scripture.  All three are vital to God’s plan and to us.  The first, of course, is His only begotten Son–Jesus.  These verses are prophesies of Christ, especially in the last days and going into the Millennial Reign.  The second is David, and the third is me/you/us–those who have accepted Jesus Christ.

              “So now, kings, be wise; receive instructions, you judges of the earth.  Serve the LORD with reverential awe, and rejoice with trembling.  Pay homage to the Son, or He will be angry, and you will perish in your rebellion, for His anger may ignite at any moment.  All those who take refuge in Him are happy.”  (2:10-12, HCSB)

This is the day of salvation, for individuals as well as nations.  Very simply stated, those that oppose God will be broken.  Instead of wisdom and seeking the Lord, it seems that many are moving farther and farther away, especially those with influence in leadership.  Look at the words, “His anger may ignite at any moment.”  The trumpet may sound at any time, then comes the judgment upon the earth.

Let’s take one more look at verse 11.  “Serve the LORD with reverential awe, and rejoice with trembling.”  This is a good definition of how we should worship.  Remember, most of the time worship is reflected in Scripture as service.  We serve a God whose anger could ignite at any moment.  Do we think of that when there is hopping up and down in a service?  Not much reverence and awe there.  In fact, very little worship is done today with trembling.  Ponder the words of Paul, “…work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.” (Philippians 2:12, HCSB)  The Amplified says it very clear:

              “work out (cultivate, carry out to the goal, and fully complete) your own salvation with reverence and awe and trembling (self-distrust, with serious caution, tenderness of conscience, watchfulness against temptation, timidly shrinking from whatever might offend God and discredit the name of Christ).”

In other words, learn how to worship according to Scripture; learn who He is so you can worship properly.

              “Praise, my soul, the King of heaven,
               To his feet thy tribute bring.
               Ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven,
               Who like me his praise shall sing?
               Alleluia!  Alleluia!
               Praise the everlasting King!”
                       –Henry F. Lyte

Coffee Percs

He crossed to the fire and squatted there, taking up the coffee-pot, blackened from many fires, to fill his cup.”
              –Louis L’Amour  (The Quick and the Dead)

Tie yur hoss to the post and come in this kitchen.  Better wipe yur feet so the wife don’t get onto yuh.  I’ve got a few things to say this mornin’ so let me pour the coffee so I can begin.  Ahhh, hot, strong and black.  That’s the way to make the ol’ gizzard smile on a Saturday mornin’.  ‘Course yur company helps too.
    Been doin’ some ponderin’ pard.  Now, I don’t want to be disturbin’ yur aspirations, but we all need to now and again do some thinkin’ about the trail we’re a-travelin’.  I’m not speakin’ of the journey of life, but it’s sure involved with it as well, but I’m speakin’ of that trail that leads on to eternity.  
    Let me take another deep drink of the mornin’ nectar.  Folks get on the straight and narrow; they find the Lord, or rather He finds them and they get started off.  Problem I’m seein’ is that they are carryin’ around the same gear and headin’ off on the same side trails as before an’ the thing is, they think it’s all okay.  Sometimes, for sure, the trail headin’ off for the heavenly city seems more like an obstacle course, and it’s narrow with many snares and brambles along the side.  Been a time or two when those jumpin’ cholla almost grabbed me.  But I try to be careful as I go along.
    Refill?  Sure pard, like to see yuh smile when yuh get a taste of my coffee.  Back to what I was sayin’; there are lots of trails that veer off and if a person isn’t a mite careful they will lead back over to the trail that will take them to perdition.  I’ve seen some of those trails and have tried to avoid them.  Trails such as cares of the world, deceitfulness of riches, and lust of the eyes and flesh, and some others.  
    I knew the coffee was really good this mornin’, sure hit the spot, but it sure seemed the time went by fast.  That’s the other thing.  Don’t forget to check yur backtrail, don’t let anything come sneakin’ up on you from behind.  Don’t be livin’ back there, but sure check those lessons.  I know there’s one that’s trailin’ us all and there ain’t much we can do about it.  Back in my younger days, I’d rarely see him.  He was good at keepin’ his distance and hidin’ from view.  However, he’s more brazen today and seems to be trailin’ closer.  Yep, it’s that ol’ outlaw “Time” and he’s out to get us all.  Makes me glad that the good Lord is ridin’ this trail alongside me.
    Well, pard, when yuh mount up be sure yuh head on down the right trail.  Be alert, that’s why I always remind yuh to check yur cinch.