Echoes From the Campfire

How much better I am for what has come to me!  I’ll let the future take care of itself.  Whatever falls, I’ll be ready.”
              –Zane Grey  (Riders of the Purple Sage)

    “For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.”
              –2 Corinthians 1:20 (NKJV)
We sang this old hymn in church on Sunday.  It’s a good one for any time, but especially in these troublesome times.  One can always stand on the Word of God.  God’s promises are sure, they are solid and they do not waver.  However, I will say that promises carry with them commands.  Never say that God didn’t fulfill His promise; most likely you did not fulfill its command.  Let’s take a moment to ponder the powerful, inspiring words of R. Kelso Carter.

         “Standing on the promises of Christ my King,
         Thro’ eternal ages let His praises ring;
         Glory in the highest I will shout and sing,
         Standing on the promises of God.”

You can trust God!  You can trust Him no matter the situation.  Therefore, you can stand upon His promises.  I will not argue the theology of “rhema” and “logos”, but although all the promises are there for us, there are times when the Holy Spirit will direct you to a particular promise.  You can be sure it will come to pass.  I know that some have “life verses,” and I’m not opposed to them, but I have found that the Holy Spirit has directed me to certain verses at different times in my life, or even to study certain books.  The key, no matter the situation, is that God will fulfill His Word.

         “Standing on the promises that cannot fail,
          When the howling storms of doubt and fear assail,
          By the living Word of God I shall prevail,
          Standing on the promises of God.”

It is important to realize that the promises of God are for believers.  I might add that there are some exceptions, most of those dealing with judgment pertain to all people, but the promises of guidance, protection, security, heaven…are for those who are born again.  When you hear people scoff and mock it is because they have not experienced the new birth.  The first promise we have upon accepting Christ as our Lord and Savior is that of eternal life.

         “Standing on the promises I now can see
          Perfect, present cleansing in the blood for me;
          Standing in the liberty where Christ makes free,
          Standing on the promises of God.

There are many promises in the Word of God.  Seek them, study them, learn them, lean upon them, claim them for they are yours as a child of God.  It is by knowing God’s Word that we can overcome the world and the evil one.  It is standing upon the truth of God’s Word that we have victory–daily.

         “Standing on the promises of Christ the Lord,
          Bound to Him eternally by love’s strong cord,
          Overcoming daily with the Spirit’s sword,
          Standing on the promises of God.”

So in these times of worry and fret, push them aside and rest secure in the promises of God.  When the storms howl and threaten to destroy, stand firm in the promises of God.  When the time of sorrow comes to the family take comfort in the promises of God.  When life in all its forms rears its ugly head in your direction and after having done all continue to stand–stand on the promises of God.

         “Standing on the promises I cannot fall,
          List’ning ev’ry moment to the Spirit’s call,
          Resting in my Saviour as my all in all,
          I’m standing on the promises of God.

                        Standing, standing,
                        Standing on the promises of God my Saviour;
                        Standing, standing,
                        I’m standing on the promises of God.”

The Saga of Miles Forrest

Parson, come on in,” I said, then began to introduce him to Upton Shaw.
    “Shaw, you might want to ask the preacher about the man you’re seekin’.  He knows most everyone in the community,” I suggested to the bounty hunter.
    Reverend Robinson accepted the poster and began to scrutinize the weak drawing of Conrad Keim.  He shook his head several times as he was saying, “hmmm, hmmm.”  “There’s no one in town by that name that I know of, and I sure don’t recollect seeing that face.”
    The was a grunt that sounded almost like a snarl from Shaw.  “I reckon a preacher wouldn’t lie,” he snapped glaring hard at the preacher who returned his stare.
    “Preacher, why don’t you stop by the diner and I’ll treat you to a piece of pie.  Molly baked some butterscotch pies this mornin’.”
    A large smile appeared on his face.  “I’ll sure do that.  Listen, the new pastor just arrived.  Mind if I bring him by as well? I’m taking him around town to meet the folk.  I want him to get started off right.”
    “Yeah, I heard you and Lucy were leavin’.  I don’t mind tellin’ you that I’m sorry you are.  You sure have been the Lord’s blessin’ to the folks here,” I said.
    “That’s mighty nice of you to say, Miles.  We tried our best, but the Lord has called us on to a new church in Cortez.  We hope to build a fine congregation there, plus we are going to minister to the Navaho and Pueblo in the area,” the Reverend informed us.
    Shaw cleared his throat.  “If you two bleeding hearts don’t mind I’ll be leaving,” he paused then looked at me.  “Perhaps someone in town has seen him.  I’ll see you again Marshal.”
    I told Rev. Robinson to go on back to see Parsons.  “When you’re done come on down.”  Then I turned my attention to Shaw as he was walking toward to doorway.  “Shaw, come down to the diner; I’ll treat you as well.”  He gave a little grunt then walked on out heading for the saloon just up the street.  Oswald Dierker was still bartender and running the place until a descendant of Olson could be found.
    “Make sure the door’s shut when you leave,” I hollered then walked out.  I walked up the street, not really following Shaw, but I want people to see that I’m up and around and that I notice when a stranger comes to town.  Awareness is really a major part of the job.  People just naturally act some better when they know the marshal is around.
    It was close to noon when I arrived back at the diner.  The town seemed busy with people going about their daily lives and business.  I checked with Doc Jones to see how the wounded man was doing.  It looks as if he was going to pull through barring infection.  
    The diner was busier than usual.  As Molly brought me a large bowl of chili and some of Emelda’s fresh made tortillas I asked her about it.  She shrugged, “Guess the town is growing.  There’s a few faces that I haven’t seen before.”
    I looked at those she mentioned and didn’t see anything threatening or unusual about them.  They weren’t miners for sure.  I grabbed her arm when she started to leave.  “Miles, I’ve work to do!”
    “Just want to let you know that the Rev. Robinson is bringin’ the new preacher around to visit.”
    A concerned look appeared on her face.  “I wish he wasn’t leaving.  It’s hard to break in a new preacher.”
    “Molly, just remember Who is in charge.  All will work out all right,” I stated.
    She gave me a little wave.  “Oh, I know that.  I just was fond of Lucy and I enjoyed the preacher’s sermons.  Just have to get used to a new preacher.”
    “Be sure to save some of that butterscotch pie,” I warned her.  “They’ll be expectin’ a piece.”
    “Is that right?  I’ll save at least two pieces then,” she informed me getting my attention.  So I gave her what she wanted, a pouty face.  “Maybe, there’ll be enough for three,” she laughed then went back to work.
    I was just finishing up my chili when Rev. Robinson and two other men walked through the doorway.  One was a tall, husky man, broad in the shoulders, wearing the typical black attire of a preacher.  The other man was smaller, definitely not a minister.
    Reverend Robinson spotted me for he knew I had my table reserved back near the stove and gave a wave walking in my direction.  There was a private coffeepot I keep on the stove so I didn’t have to be bothering Molly or Marta for refills.
    I stood as they approached.  “Miles, this is Rev. Chapman.  He will be taking over the congregation for me,” he paused while Chapman reached out his hand to shake mine.  “The other man is Clyde Hoffner, the Reverend’s cousin.  He helped with the Reverend’s move.”
    They had just seated themselves when Upton Shaw walked in the diner…

Echoes From the Campfire

I didn’t tell you it’d be easy.  Nothin’ good in this life ever comes to a man easy.  You just got to be patient, and give a little.”
              –Elmer Kelton  (The Time It Never Rained)

    “Consider it a great joy, my brothers, whenever you experience various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. But endurance must do its complete work, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing.”
              –James 1:2-4 (HCSB)
This portion of Psalm 44 makes it seem as if God has rejected the people; that He has left them to be destroyed.  You were with us, and now…now you have forsaken us.  I like what F.B. Meyer says when we encounter situations such as this, “Sometimes God takes away all sensible enjoyment and encouragement to see whether we still cling to Him for Himself.”
    Life with God is not always pleasant.  We may and should have some tremendous victories, but then there are those times when we wonder where God is.  Why have you left me Lord?  Now there may be many reasons.  There may be sin in the camp, there may be personal sin, there may be circumstances with others involved in the situation, and then there may be the unseen happenings in the spiritual world–remember Job.  What was happening to him was because of a conversation in the spiritual realm and Job didn’t have a clue as to what was happening.

    9 – But You have rejected and humiliated us; You do not march out with our armies.
   10 – You make us retreat from the foe, and those who hate us have taken plunder for themselves.
   11 – You hand us over to be eaten like sheep and scatter us among the nations.
   12 – You sell Your people for nothing; You make no profit from selling them.
   13 – You make us an object of reproach to our neighbors, a source of mockery and ridicule to those around us.
   14 – You make us a joke among the nations, a laughingstock[a] among the peoples.
   15 – My disgrace is before me all day long, and shame has covered my face,
   16 – because of the voice of the scorner and reviler, because of the enemy and avenger.
   17 – All this has happened to us, but we have not forgotten You or betrayed Your covenant.
   18 – Our hearts have not turned back; our steps have not strayed from Your path.
   19 – But You have crushed us in a haunt of jackals and have covered us with deepest darkness.  (HCSB)

    God where are you?  We cry out for Him to answer, for Him to relieve our distress, for His love to cover us and again bring victory.  Ah, but what do you do if the victory does not come?  We live in a time where so many in the church say that all you have to do is claim your victory.  I will say that they do not live in the real world.  Sure, there are times when the Holy Spirit will direct you to do that, but what happens if there seemingly is no victory?  What happens when you rebuke the devil and he don’t “buke”?  Do you fall away from God, or do you still cling to Him?  Remember Job!
    Wait a minute!  Doesn’t Paul say that in all things we are more than conquerors?  (see Romans 8:36-37)  It is vital that we recognize that God is always working for good in our lives even when it seems He is not there or has taken a siesta.  “Negative circumstances are not a sign of His rejection of us; rather, He is working for the good.” (George O. Wood)  Our part in all of this is to obey and continue to trust Him.
    True, it is hard to trust the Lord when you are in pain.  It is hard to trust when sorrow floods through your being.  It is hard to trust when your world seems to be crumbling around you.  In all of this–TRUST.  The Psalmist says, verse 18, “Our hearts have not turned back; our steps have not strayed from Your path.”  This must be our declaration in the midst of whatever calamity that may be coming our way.  

              “Redeem us from perpetual shame,
               Our Savior and our God!
               We plead the honors of thy name,
               The mercies of thy blood.”
                      –Isaac Watts

Coffee Percs

He swiped the last smear of egg yolk from his plate with a piece of biscuit, popped the whole into his mouth, drained his coffee cup to wash it down.  Expelling a satisfied smile, he rocked back in his chair.”
              –Wayne D. Dundee  (Rainrock Reckoning)

Pard, come on in, yur coffee’s sittin’ there waitin’ for yuh.  Help me ponder thru this thought I’ve been ‘restlin’ with.  It’s been on my mind lately, an’ knowin’ yur intellectual prowess I reckoned yuh could help me out.  Why is it that two fried eggs can be satisfyin’ but if’n yuh scramble them yuh have to use four, or at the very minimum three?  It just don’t make no sense, but it’s a fact!  
    I’ve been worryin’ over that issue for a spell.  Better than stewin’ over some of the junk out there.  I wish I had a word to describe more than stupid!  That’s the way the folks are actin’, and they’re gloatin’ over it.  One of the leaders had the gall to be called New York’s finest a bunch of whiners.  Let me tell yuh the facts, son–if’n they’d be allowed to do their job they’d show them that the cow eats the cabbage an’ we’d see you’d be whinin’ then.  More like cryin’ in their slobbers.
    I’m tellin’ yuh, Pard, and I’m sayin’ it straight.  Yuh better be stored up with plenty of ammunition, and not just the shootin’ kind.  Yuh better have plenty of God’s Word hidden in yur heart for if somethin’ doesn’t happen, yuh might be needin’ it along with those lead dietary pills that come out from ol’ Betsy.  Listen, an’ I’ll tell yuh somethin’ else–yuh need to be preparin’ yurself for the worse come November, but always be hopin’ for the best.  Between now an’ then there’s goin’ be plenty of shenanigans happenin’, along with shady deals and accusations.
    Be checkin’ yur guns, be prayin’ in earnest, be saturated with God’s holy Word, be ready for the Lord to appear in the skies.  Now don’t be a-frettin’ none.  Worry will only agitate yur gizzard, an’ I’ve know some to break out in hives.  So don’t be frettin’, just be trustin’ in the good Lord.  Remember, He cares for you!  Oh, and be checkin’ yur cinch when yuh mount up just in cases some of those idjits come after yuh.