Coffee Percs

He took down another blue enameled cup, with a little enamel chipped from the rim.  He glanced at it…but the cup was spotless.  He took up the pot and poured himself a cup.  It was black as sin and strong enough to curl a man’s hair, but it was hot, and it tasted good.”
                 –Louis L’Amour  (Borden Chantry)

Modern technology—bah!  Come on in, Pard.  Just a fumin’ a bit.  No, the coffee’s fine, take a sip.  It won’t curl yur hair, but it’ll get yur attention.  Nah, this modern technology—those contraptions they call computers.  My mercy, they can be frustratin’.
       Let me tell yuh about it.  I got up early, my usual habit, made the coffee as per the rule of the house—first one up makes the coffee—then settled back in my office to send out my mornin’ Echoes.  First thing I noticed was that the page had changed.  Things were different, but then when I went to my draft folder, well that’s when I could have had a conniption fit if I hadn’t had my coffee next to me.  Nothing was in the folder.  I try to keep thoughts in there ready, but, alas, it had gone off somewheres.  I was told cyberspace.
       It shows to go yuh, that even when a body is prepared, ready, equipped that something strange, or unusual can happen.  I’m sure glad the heavenly Father ain’t like that.  He won’t slip up, make us wriggle in our problems, or cause undue anxiety.  He’s trustworthy, steady, and wantin’ the best for us.  We can go to the Rock that has a firm foundation and never changes.
Ahhh, good this mornin’ ain’t it?  Well, Pard, I then go ahold of those techy guys, IT they’re called.  He worked on the issue for over an hour and his conclusion—he’d have to get a higher up guy to check it out.  An hour!  Sure hope than ain’t counted against me as wasted time.
       The little things in life can be downright frustratin’ at times.  Like bad or weak coffee, dumb computers, and not checkin’ yur cinch.
       Vaya  con Dios.