Coffee Percs

I added wood to the coals and soon had it flaming, then put on the coffeepot.  ‘Let’s go!’ I hollered.  ‘Coffee’s boilin’ and I’m puttin’ the bacon on.'”
                    –D.C. Adkisson  (Call to Justice)
Don’t be a-gawkin’ Pard, get to swallowin’ that brew.  Hot and strong enough to fix what might be ailin’ yuh.  Don’t be rubbin’ on yur sores or achin’ muscles though; it ain’t been proven effective for that–yet.  If’n that works, it’ll need a booster, oh, ’bout four times a day.  Listen when yuh drink my coffee, yuh don’t mind yur aches an’ pains.  Yuh, just smile and feel the contentment move through yur bein’.
       I remember a few times in my life when I was out in the woods.  No phone, no radio, no television, and no people.  I would come back to civilization and not know what was happening.  Kind of a weird feelin’ not knowing what has happened in the world.  I’m sorta like that now.  Out in the woods, no television, no radio.  Oh, I stay in somewhat contact through the phone, but I try to stay away from the media.  For the most part it’s full lies.
       For the most part I’m tryin’ not get riled up with all the doin’s that go on.  Masks, vaccines, now the elections are coming up this year.  Whooeee they can rile the gizzard.  I want to stay focused on the Lord.  I want my actions to find their basis in Him,  Pard, for the first time in months I had to put on a mask.  What for?  If’n everyone is vaccinated, why do they worry if I wear a mask or not?  I sure don’t want to be livin’ a paranoid life.  Nope, I’ll just get movin’ forward, set myself back from time to time, enjoy my coffee and trust in the Lord.
       Fill yur cup up again, while I plug in an advertisement.  Notice the quotation above?  It’s from my new book–just published.  If’n yuh want a rip-snortin’ story get yurself a copy; if’n yur more into romance–get yurself a copy.  Sit yurself down in yur favorite comfortable chair, with a cup of coffee (or tea if’n yur a tea-sipper) and enjoy a good read.
       What’s that, yuh have to leave already?  Well, yuh be careful out there with all the nuts, snowflakes, wokes, and twinkies runnin’ around.  Keep yur gun handy, yur Bible read, and for sure, check yur cinch.
        Vaya con Dios.