Coffee Percs

He took a pot of coffee and a cup and went to a seat by the window. He sat down, filled his cup, and leaned back in his chair.” 

                         –Louis L’Amour  (Borden Chantry)
Come on in and join me, Pard.  This is one of my favorite spots, this ol’ chair and looking out to the woods.  Had some visitors the other day.  Yep, some deer ventured out of the woods to watch me drink coffee.  Ahhh, so serene.  Oh, yur not familiar with that term–well, yuh should be.  In fact, I was just thinkin’ that in our walk through this troubled world, we should be more serene and not worry or fret so much.  If we seek the Lord, He will help us find it.  Why, havin’ this cup of coffee, and looking at God’s creation sure does help create that feelin’ of serenity.
       Had a situation occur this week.  I went to make coffee and the pot had given up the ghost.  It was done dead.  Not a real problem, I made coffee in the ol’ percolator on the stove for the next few pots until I dared to venture to the WalMart to buy another.  I make coffee on the stove quite often, but there is a time when I want it brewed a little quicker and also once in a while when I make it on the stove it boils over makin’ a mess.  Yuh know they sell brewers that cost upward to $500.  Mine has an on/off switch and that’s all.  It don’t even make a beep when it’s finished brewin’.  And on top of all that, Pard, the coffee tastes good.  Yur’a drinkin’ it now.
       I remember readin’ once where ol’ Dan’l Boone said that it was time to move as the neighbors were startin’ to encroach.  Well, I’m not goin’ to move but there is buildin’ goin’ on around us, and folk keep lookin’ at lots next to ours.  More an’ more people movin’ out to the country.  If that trend continues, then the country won’t be the country any more.  But unless they’re a cantankerous sort, I’ll keep on bein’ happy.  Can’t help but be, the Lord is good to us.
       Go ahead, pour yurself another cup.  There’s plenty an’ if’n yur stayin’ a while I can always make another pot.  Monday, this ol’ fence post has to go see the heart doctor.  No, nothin’ wrong, he just wants to make sure the ol’ ticker is still tickin’ properly.  My plan is to be back with yuh for more coffee next Saturday.  Yuh be careful out there.  Watch out for the coyotes and wolves for they’re amongst us.  Oh, and don’t forget to tighten that cinch.
       Vaya con Dios.