Coffee Percs

Man at the pot!’ came the call just as he took a cup from its hook. He rolled his eyes, grabbed two more cups, then started to pour the first of the three cups of coffee.”

                              –J.V. James  (Frye)
Come on in, Pard for I’ve a question for yuh.  Readin’ the above I began to wonder and ponder who is goin’ to serve the first cups of coffee to those at the heavenly table.  My notion is that it will take more than one, but I think the crew will be led by Andrew and Martha.  Most likely there’ll be plenty of servants that I don’t know; hmmm, perhaps my Annie will be one of them.  Since we will be in the heavenly realm, I don’t think it will take all that long even though we have millions of years, because we are no longer bound by that villain “time.”
       Things will sure ‘nough change.   Don’t worry Pard, you’re not goin’ to be floatin’ around on some cloud, wigglin’ yur tootsies and playin’ a harp.  No siree, there’s work to be done.  Adam was placed in the Garden to work, then the curse came and work changed.  I don’t know exactly what we’ll be doin’, but I know we’ll be workin’.  The Lord don’t like shirkers.  Oh, and by the way, no matter whatever anyone says, you ain’t goin’ to become no angel.  Ha, though that might be a sight with you flappin’ yur wings.
       Ahhh, this coffee is surely good, but that heavenly brew–it’s already makin’ the gizzard tickle.  But enough of that fantasizin’, we still got plenty to do down here on this ol’ earth.  Things are deterioratin’ mighty fast.  The Lord is workin’ whether we see Him in action or not.  He is quickly bringin’ everything to a climax.  The “man of lawlessness” will soon be revealed, but I’m not frettin’ that.  When he is down here struttin’ his stuff an’ speakin’ all sorts of lies, I’m goin’ to be up in heaven with a cup of that heavenly brew, praising the Lord.
       Trust yur ready for that day for it can’t be far off.  Yuh ride wary, make sure yur cinch is tight, and be ready for the trumpet to sound.
        Vaya con Dios.