Coffee Percs

The coffee was strong enough to walk by itself. That was the way he liked it.”
                        –Elmer Kelton  (Texas Standoff)
Lots of things happenin’ in the world, but I’m unaware of most of them.  I don’t know if that’s good or bad.  It’s not good to be ignorant, but at the same time there is nothin’ I can do about any of them.  Pard, if’n I start to get involved with the news then the gizzard gets all riled, and that ain’t good for the liver or heart.  So, here I am, my good Pard sittin’ and jawin’ with me, and holdin’ a cup of hot, strong, black coffee in my hand.
       This ol’ world is full of newfangled technology and I’m not sure all of it’s good, or is it used for good.  Now, I’m not against technology.  Why where would I be without a coffeepot or at least a pot to make my coffee?  I went to the WalMart to get a new coffeepot.  Sometimes I perk it on the stove, but it’s faster using technology like Mr. Coffee and I don’t have to worry about it boilin’ over, but what I mean to tell yuh is that they have coffeepots that cost upward to $500.  My new pot cost a whoppin’ $21.99 and it makes good coffee, and there are no beeps either.
       It seems that I recall that ol’ Daniel said that folks will start runnin’ to and fro and knowledge will increase, but he did not say it would increase for the better.  Busy, busy, busy, it seems folks are and if yuh don’t think so just drive the rush-hour traffic.  My mercy, folks out there are crazy and don’t care about others.  Pard, they need to settle down and have a cup of coffee from my kitchen out in the woods.  Not any of those cinos, but good, down to earth brew.  Ahhh, look at that, we’ve already finished one pot.  I’ll make another.
       What?  Yuh got things to do and yur bladder won’t be able to handle another pot ridin’ in the saddle.  Yuh know, yuh can always rein in somewhere.  But, I understand, and yuh be havin’ a good week.  We’re into April now, another month is gone passed us by.  Yuh be ridin’ easy, but always alert for the ol’ devil is jist a-waitin’ for a slip-up.  And I shouldn’t have to remind yuh to check yur cinch.  As for myself, I’m gonna get back to the kitchen and brew up another pot.
       Vaya con Dios.