Coffee Percs

He drank his coffee slowly, studying the various men, watching the work, and enjoying the brief respite from what was to come.”

                    –Louis L’Amour  (North to the Rails)
Pard, come on in an’ pour yurself a cup.  The ol’ rheumatize is actin’ up lately.  Still able to mosey out to make the coffee as I knew yuh’d be comin’ by.  Strong enough for yuh today?  Hmmm, I wonder if I made it a little stronger I could use it as a liniment?  Someone said that my coffee was strong enough to remove a tattoo, so if’n that’s true it oughta work if I rub it into the hip joint.  Couldn’t do no harm, and might do some good.
       My Mom had a cup given to her by one of her bosses.  Inside, on the bottom, was written, “cup’s empty, back to work.”  Now, I think everyone should have a coffeebreak durin’ the day, but my mercy some linger over that cup like it’s Methusaleh’s gold.  By the time they get ’round to drinkin’ it the nectar is cold, and cold coffee…
       I’ve also watch those same folk linger just so they don’t have to get back to work.  That cup just seems to grab them an’ hold them back from gettin’ done what needs to be done.  Yuh know the good Lord gave us this day to be makin’ somethin’ of it.  He gave us the time so we could be gettin’ the chores done.  We aren’t to be lingerin’ ’round the pot, or the drinkin’ fountain, or sittin’ in the lounge when there’s work to be did.
       For sure that cup of whatever it is that some of them drink, cinos and the like, ain’t gonna be keepin’ them from meetin’ with the Lord.  We need to be ready to meet Him, and we need to be takin’ our work to Him.  He has saved us by His blood so that we can be doin’ His biddin’ here on earth until He calls us up yonder.  So, there’s no problem with us takin’ a few minutes to enjoy each others’ company, to enjoy the flavor of strong coffee, and to help the President solve his problems.  Thing is, he won’t listen to us.  Why, I bet, he drinks cinos, for sure he sugars and creams his coffee.  Ptui!  Lands sake, no wonder we have troubles.
       Pard, yuh be ridin’ wary.  The enemy is out there, just a-waitin’.  Don’t think for a minute that all the junk that is goin’ on is just physical.  No siree, there’s a spiritual element to it as well.  Some of it downright demonic.  Now, checkin’ yur cinch, that’s just something yuh should naturally do.  If’n yuh don’t and yuh fall on yur head there’s no one to blame but yurself–not the horse, not the saddle, not the cinch.
      Vaya con Dios.