Coffee Percs

She took the large pot filled with coffee and went around the table pouring our cups full. It was hot, and deep black.”

                         –D. C. Adkisson  (Winter of the Wolves)
What do you mean, what am I doin’?  What’s it look like?  I just finished cleanin’ the Greener, and now I’m almost done with the ol’ Winchester .44-40.  Always keep my revolver cleaned, oiled, and ready for use.  Sit on down, I’ll put this away and pour us some coffee.  Have to be gettin’ on down the trail to San Antone.  Another good one has crossed over the Great Divide and the missus and me are goin’ to pay our last respects to his family.
       Go ahead, take a swaller, but remember it’s hot, and I’ll tell yuh why I’m cleanin’ up the heavy firepower.  Yuh may remember, I know it was before yur time, when ol’ Bill rode the range.  There was an abundance of wolves and they were a murderous lot.  Now, Bill wasn’t much on huntin’ down wolves, he was more into killin’ the buffalo to feed the workers on the railroad, but it was durin’ his time.  The ranchers were havin’ a fit over the wolves.  
       I told yuh it was hot, now it’s drippin’ down off yur chin from where yuh slopped it.  Take it slow, don’t be a coffee guzzler.  But back to the wolves.  Finally, they got the wolves under control and then back here in the last few decades the do-gooders and peace-niks wanted to reintroduce them.  Never did figure that out.  These folk are against predators, yet they want one the most notorious and vicious predators back on the loose.  And they are–out there runnin’ wild.  
       But, what I’ve also noticed is that the wolves, the two-legged kind, are multiplyin’ as well.  They’re vicious and will tear at yur soul.  Many of them were put away for a while but in the last decade they’ve been sneakin’ in and out of the churches.  They’ve been hidin’ themselves pretty well with sheep clothin’, but now they’re gettin’ more and more hungry.  They are snarlin’, droolin’ ready to devour anyone–baby, young, old, weak, lame.  They’ve started comin’ out of hidin’ and usin’ a new name–Progressive.
       So Pard, I’m gettin’ ready for them.  It’s not my last roundup yet, so I’m ready should they attack.  Yuh know they go for the innards first.  They’ll try to bring yuh down by slashing with their vicious teeth to tear yur liver or heart right out of yuh.  Sure hope yuh are watchin’ as yuh right hither and yon.  They’re out there, ready to pounce and rip at yuh.  That’s one reason yuh have to check that cinch.  Yuh could be ridin’ along and one of them wolves spring at yuh.  A nudge from yur spur will get ol’ Highball a goin’ and rarin’ and then…they cinch lets go and yur at the mercy of those ravenous wolves.  
       Vaya con Dios.