Coffee Percs

He searched through the cupboards until he found a cup and helped him-self to some of that coffee. It always smelled especially good early in the morning. He pulled out a chair and sat, leaning over his cup and enjoying the aroma rising from it.” 

                          –Frank Roderus  (Bowen & Baile)
       Mornin’, Pard, keepin’ yur powder dry?  Listen, this is a time to be watchin’ over yur henhouse.  Don’t be lettin’ those weasels and other varmints be gettin’ to yur layin’ hens and eggs.  Ever seen the sight?  Eggs–over thirty cents a piece.  
       I used a quotation by Lou Bradshaw earlier in the week ’bout skunks under the house.  They sure let out a smell, ‘spescially when they goes to fightin’ one t’ the other.  Yuh know the truth of the matter is that there’s plenty of them skunks walkin’ ’round leavin’ a stink behind them.  Most of it comes from the nonsense spewin’ from their mouth.  Just listen for a while, the world is full of sickenin’ foolish notions.  Why one of them aromatic fools said that a person who don’t get vaccinated and go out without mask are no different than a drunk driver, and this here skunk is supposed to be a medical doctor.  No wonder people don’t trust their doctors no more.  Boy howdy.
       Then there are those weasels who murder for the fun of it.  They’ll get into a henhouse and slaughter all of those hens unless there’s enough squawkin’ to get yur attention.  By the time yuh can do anything ’bout it though, there’s blood everywhere.  We used to think of those folks like the used car salesman or a shyster lawyer.  Now, there are all sorts that want to sneak away yur morals and virtues by simply goin’ against the way God created us.  Here’s a good one for yuh, sorry for the delicacy of the matter, but it shows to go yuh how folks are tryin’ to mess up God’s world and laws.  “Non female students who are menstruating face a stigma when asking for menstrual products.”  Huh??  I saw this an’ jist had to shake the ol’ noggin’.  Folks this is what we have in government today, an’ they are usin’ it to spend yur money.
       Crazy–the whole world’s gone insane.  Sure glad I can go to someone with a firm foundation–the Lord Jesus Christ.  Yuh jist sip yur coffee for a moment, but we do have a Rock that is unshakeable.  We can trust Him to help us in the midst of the storm of idiocy as well as the natural storms of life, but yuh know, it’ll take some effort on yur part and mine to counter the stupidity with the truth.  Folks jist don’t want to know the truth no more.
       Whew, glad that’s off’n my mind.  Let’s finish this pot so yuh can get on to what needs to be doin’ today.  Don’t go out misguided.  Why some of those folks will tell yuh that there’s no need to check yur cinch.  Why they wouldn’t know a cinch from a lasso, they’re the same skunks that’ll tell yuh to drink cinos.  Yuh be careful now, stay loaded…
       Vaya con Dios.