Coffee Percs

He stopped to warm his hands by the big potbellied stove. A taste of coffee might warm his hide a little too, so he filled a cup and walked back to the window.”
                        –Nathan Wright  (The Trail)

Come in, Pard, warm yurself up.  Got up early to get the stove goin’ and the coffee ready for I reckoned yuh might be comin’ over.  Whoopee, we had a storm earlier in the week, but not as bad here as down south of us.  Some of them twisters hit the ground and did some damage.
       Yeah, I know that’s how ol’ Lankus hurt his leg.  No it wasn’t a tornado, but he was foolish enough to mount up on one of them twistin’ bulls.  Pard, to my way of thinkin’ those bullriders are off some in their coconut.  Those things are mean, ornery, and will do a world of hurt to a fella, almost like one of them twisters comin’ down from the sky.
       Sure hope yuh had yurself a good week.  Sit on down an’ let’s jaw on it some.  The world is crazy so it’s good to have someone with common sense even if’n they forget to check their cinch once in a while.  Nice to enjoy coffee with a friend.  Good coffee too, if’n I do say so myself.

       Pard, I was jist a-thinkin’ the other day of the mess the country’s in and the words of that last prophet, Malachi.  No, no, he wasn’t Italian, he was Jewish and warned the people that they needed to turn back to the Lord.  The Lord Almighty has extended His mercy throughout the land, but if the people refuse, He said, “He would come and strike the earth with a curse.”  He did it once before with Adam, then again with Noah, and sooner or later, He’ll return and do it again.  Pard, yuh best be ready.
       Solemn thoughts, Pard.  Too solemn for the end of the month, but next Saturday it’ll be February.  Sometime durin’ the week, ol’ Phil will be prophesyin’ ’bout winter–if’n it’ll be hangin’ around longer or not.  Yuh be havin’ yurself a right good week.  Don’t be a hee-hawin’ around, but stay on the straight and narrow road.  Finish that last swaller, and then yuh can get on down the road to do the day’s chores.
        Vaya con Dios.