Coffee Percs

A coffee pot was bubbling on the stove in the corner and he poured himself a cup, using a towel on the handle to keep from burning his hand.” 

                         –P. W. Moore  (Where the Trail Leads)
Pard, come in, the mornin’ is short, time for coffee and then off to do the chores of the day.  Been hot, but say, it’s summer and it’s Texas.  I rarely complain about the weather as it is completely out of my control.  Don’t burn yur lips, that coffee is hot.
       I was reading from that ol’ boy, Moore, and thinkin’ ’bout how many times I used my bandanna to grab the handle of a coffeepot.  Not sure how many more times that I’ll be doin’ that.  I’m sure up in heaven, that we’ll have a special angel pourin’ the coffee for us.
       Pard, we’re pretty blind when it comes to what’s happenin’ behind the scenes, not only in this country but around the world.  I’ve always figured that the United Notions has to be part of the end-times scenario.  I read somethin’ this week written by the head honcho of the UN.  Here’s what he wrote, “I propose that the General Assembly provide the Secretary-General and the United Nations system with a standing ability to convene and operationalize automatically an Emergency Platform in the event of a future complex global shock of sufficient scale, severity and reach.”  
       Now, that sure sounds like a sneaky way to gain full power.  What is a “global shock”?  Another pandemic?  Famine?  War?  Breakdown of the electric grid?  Hmmm…  The article had more regarding the possible crisis and results.  Yep, Pard, we are sure livin’ in the last of the last days.  Just think, that could be the last cup of coffee we share together.  Life and coffee are precious, but they don’t hold a candle to what the Lord has for us in glory.
       In the meantime, you be checkin’ yur cinch.  Yuh don’t want to go meetin’ the Lord ’cause yuh fell on yur noggin’.
       Vaya con Dios.