Coffee Percs

He pushed his chair back a little from the table while he drank the rest of his coffee and took the moment to study the family.” 

                    –Charles G. West  (Hell Hath No Fury)
Waddle in here, Pard.  Shore looks like yuh had yur fill on Thanksgivin’.  It was really a blessed day.  ‘Course everyday is but this one was extry blessed.  We went to the lake as is our custom and had food and fun with family and friends.
       Say, I saw somethin’ yuh might want to check into for a Christmas present.  I saw that they have special ergonomic bowls for cats to eat from.  Supposed to make the food go down better and gives them better posture when they eat.  Now how ’bout that?  I was thinkin’ if’n they can make ergo bowls for cats then they might come up with an ergonomic saddle that makes yuh still look fresh as a daisy after a hard’s day work.  No more slouching in the saddle.  Then agin, I’ve seen plenty of so-called punchers look pretty fresh after a day’s work mainly ’cause they ain’t done a lick of it all day.  Hard to work with those guys, boot-lickin’ lackeys.  Most of them would rather whine and grumble and then go off on welfare where you and I have to pay their wages for doin’ nothin’.  At least they’re good at that.
       Pard, let me tell yuh the truth.  My daughter made the coffee the first day of camp, bless her heart.  My mercy, it wasn’t just strong, it sorta meandered down the throat it was so thick.  It took a cup of it for me to get used to it.  Yuh didn’t swaller it, yuh had to let to flow, sorta like lava.
       Shore hope yuh’ve been takin’ to heart what I said ’bout bein’ thankful.  The Lord is good to us beyond our deservin’.  Why I didn’t see one individual with bumps on their noggin’ ’cause they forgot to check their cinch.  Yuh be ’bout yur exercisin’, yuh need to lose a couple of pounds ‘fore that Christmas dinner rolls ’round.
         Vaya con Dios.