Echoes From the Campfire

Trouble and misery aren’t your very own private garden where you can run away to to feel sorry for yourself.”

                         –Douglas Hirt  (“The Kid”)

       “See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise.”
                          –Ephesians 5:15(NKJV)
Part of my early morning devotions are from the Early Church Fathers.  In our modern era we tend to forget their importance and how they led the way.  They had trials and tribulations, some the same as ours, but some different, however, they had a great amount of wisdom.  We may not agree totally with their theology, but we need to look at those truths they present.
       This morning I’d like to pass on something from my reading.  It is from Gregory of Nyssa (335-395).  Gregory was from Cappadocia.  This region is mentioned in the Bible in Acts 2 and in 1st Peter.   Gregory had seen persecution–his parents had their goods confiscated because they were Christians.  His grandfather was killed by “Imperial wrath,” under Emperor Maximinus II.  Gregory was said to be quiet and meek.  Throughout his life he seems to act as a reconciler and mediator with those who differ with the church.  Gregory, himself, was sometimes in controversy with the Church with some of his ideas.  Here he speaks of the right path:

               There is only one right path.  It is narrow and constricted.  It doesn’t have any way to turn on one side or the other.  No matter how we step away from it, there is always the danger of straying hopelessly away.  As a result, we must correct the habit many people have gotten into as much as possible.  I mean those who fight strenuously against the more wicked pleasures, yet who still hunt for pleasure in worldly honor and positions of power.  They act like slaves who longed for freedom, but, instead of working to get away, they only changed masters.  They thought freedom was in that change.  But all people are slaves even thought they may not be ruled by the same masters…  This same thing happens when any emotion, instead of righteous reason, controls the course of a life.  For the Lord’s commands are exceedingly far-reaching.  They “enlighten the eyes” even of “the simple” and declare that good belongs only to God.  But God isn’t pain, but He is pleasure.  He isn’t cowardice, but boldness.  He isn’t fear, anger, or any other emotion that sways the unguided soul.  But, as the Apostle Paul says, He is Wisdom, Sanctification, Truth, Joy, Peace, and everything like that.

So are some thoughts from the 4th Century.  Ponder them.  There is only one right path!  Did you get that?  One Way!  It is in Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God.  Contrary to the globalists and other “ists” of the modern day, there are not many paths to God but only one.  Eternal life is reserved for those who believe in Jesus Christ, His crucifixion and resurrection.  A person just doesn’t wander into heaven.  You don’t travel the Eightfold Path and expect to find Jesus there waiting for you.  

              Look carefully then how you walk! Live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as the unwise and witless, but as wise (sensible, intelligent people).”
                               –Ephesians 5:15(Amplified)