Echoes From the Campfire

The desert stamps a man… There’s no understandin’ the work of the desert. The way it develops the livin’ creatures! They all have to live, an’ livin’ on the desert is a thousand times harder than anywhere else.”
                         –Zane Grey  (Wanderer of the Wasteland)

       “I will bring that group through the fire and make them pure. I will refine them like silver and purify them like gold. They will call on my name, and I will answer them. I will say, ‘These are my people,’ and they will say, ‘The Lord is our God.’”

                         –Zechariah 13:9 (NLT)
               “Sin is deadly.  It is the one thing God won’t tolerate.  The war between good and evil is to the death.  And you lend yourself to it without knowing to what dirty enterprise you have sold yourself…until you see that cross…  So it is with sin.  You can discuss it academically.  You can even argue whether there is such a thing or not, or whether it is all the imagination of the moralists.  But then go and look at the cross.  It does that.  It is the most deadly thing known to God and man.  It would slay the body and damn the soul.  It is hell’s worst.  You can see it when you gaze upon the cross.”
                          –William E. Sangster

       A few years back as I walked the rim of the Grand Canyon, I pondered what those that first saw it might have thought and experienced.  Those men of Coronado’s were most likely tired, weary, and thirsty for they had been traveling through the desert for weeks.  Frustration marked their steps as the thing–gold–which they were seeking continually eluded them.  Hope was dwindling; perhaps they thought they might die.  Then the earth dropped off in front of them.  Stopped in their tracks they could go no further.  The way was barred by the Grand Canyon.
       Despite their condition, no doubt they marveled at what lay before them–one of the greatest wonders of nature.  Mouths must have dropped open in amazement and awe; weariness forgotten for the moment as they were lost in the spectacular sight.  They saw the different shades of color as the sun shone down upon the canyon walls.  They could not begin to grasp the enormity of the sight before them.
       Then reality hit them–there was no way across.  At one point, it is twenty-three miles across and a mile deep.  Now the wonder turned to despair, depression and loss of hope.  Their elusive dream may lie on the other side but there was not away to cross.  Some may have cried, some may have expressed anger, some may have suggested they return, failing in their quest.  These explorers, conquistadors who were men of arms, excited with the prospect of finding riches were now thwarted on their journey.
       Perhaps now is a good time to sit and look at your situation.  You have come a great way in this journey of life, but now there is a great chasm that may be in front and hindering your progress.  It could be real or illusionary, but you must deal with it.  What is it that stands between you and the other side?  What is it that you cannot seem to overcome?
       Have you sought the elusive wonder of wealth, fame, prosperity, or glory?  Now you are confronted with reality; there is something between you and God.  At least you have made it to this realization.  Others, when searching, see the great distance and cry, “Woe is me!”, and die chasing their fantasy into the wilderness.  Others will look in despair for there is no way to make it to the other side.  Hope may die within them.
       There is a great chasm that all men need to cross; the canyon of sin.  There was no way that man could get across, but then God provided a way in Jesus.  The cross of Christ is the means across the canyon.  Perhaps you have forgotten the day you ventured to cross in another trek; a way that proved fruitless and wasteful.  Sit and look out; realize that God provides the way.
       Perhaps the canyon in front of you is a circumstance, obstacle, or situation in life that seems insurmountable.  There is no way to cross or overcome the trouble and problems that confront you.  Sit back, renew your commitment to the Lord.  When there seems to be a great barrier in front of you remember what Christ did for you on the cross and look to your heavenly Father for guidance.  He will show you the pathway through your trials and troubles.
–Taken from “Trails in the Wilderness” published by D.C. Adkisson, 2017.