Echoes From the Campfire

I’m sick of being a cook to ungrateful men who never think beyond their bellies!”
                         –Ralph Compton  (The Goodnight Trail)

       “Let your roots grow down into him and draw up nourishment from him, so that you will grow in faith, strong and vigorous in the truth you were taught.  Let your lives overflow with thanksgiving for all he has done.”
                         –Colossians 2:7 (NLT)
The holiday season (hallowed day/holy day) is upon us.  It’s a grand time of the year and for some it’s the only time they settle down to think of the things they should be thankful for.  People, from the poorest to the richest, have reason to be thankful.  Those who gripe, complain, and degrade our country don’t know what they are doing and saying.  They would grumble and complain no matter where they lived.  If it wasn’t one thing, then it would be another.  The so-called progressives and the “woke” community have no clue, all they want to do is murmur.  Be dissatisfied is a means of satisfaction to them.
       However, I for one have many reasons to be thankful.  My blessings are too numerous to count, but I recognize some of them each day.  Is our country perfect?  By no means, but it’s better than any other.  These people who want socialism clamor like pots and pans in the cabinet.  Let them live in a socialist country; let them pay the taxes.  I for one thank the Lord for the ability He gave me to make a decent income so that I could pay taxes to this country for the many benefits bestowed upon me.
       One of the great sins of the Israelites when they left Egypt under the leadership of Moses was that of murmuring.  Griping about this, complaining about that–never satisfied.  This angered the Lord, and He brought judgment upon them.  There’s an old saying, “Don’t bite the hand that’s feeding you.”  While pondering what to write about the song by Henry Smith came to my mind:

               “Give thanks with a grateful heart,
               give thanks to the Holy One;
               give thanks, because He’s given
               Jesus Christ, His Son.”

       We’ve all done it, while some seem to put up with it, but when it’s gone on long enough and loud enough it begins to rack the nerves.  Grumbling–it is a sin, a lack of faith, a lack of gratitude for all the Lord has done for us.  Alistair Begg writes, “Grumbling seems to be a small thing, but it is a sign that gratitude is missing.  Whenever unbelief and a lack of thankfulness mark the lives of God’s children, consequences are inevitable.”  God will judge His people for their lack of gratitude, for their constant grumbling.  Paul tells us that we should be “giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Ephesians 5:20)  Look at those words, “giving thanks always”!
Not just sometimes, not occasionally, not only during Thanksgiving–but ALWAYS!  It is should always be flowing from our hearts, and if for no other reason than that Jesus was sent to redeem our souls.  That should be an occasion for continual gratitude and thanksgiving.