Echoes From the Campfire

I intend to spend my life as one of the workers, and not the chaff of the earth.”
                    –Kenneth Pratt  (The Wolves of Windsor Ridge)

       “If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!”

                    –Matthew 7:11 (NKJV)
I want to look again this morning at “gifts”.  Paul writes, “Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us…” (Romans 12:6, NKJV).  While this is primarily speaking of what I refer to as “Gifts of Ministry” it can be used in regard to all gifts that are given to us by the Lord.  When I was growing up as a kid in church the only gifts I ever heard spoken of were those found in 1 Corinthians 12, and then primarily it was the verbal gifts.  Then later in life there came a fad regarding the gifts in Romans 12.  Tests were given to help you determine the gift, to which I am not opposed, but in using the test also have the wisdom of the Holy Spirit by your side.  There were even those who made up “gifts” not mentioned in the New Testament saying that they were given this special gift.
       To my way of thinking there are basically two types of gifts:  supernatural (spiritual) and natural.  The gifts of the Spirit, the supernatural, are used to edify, exhort, and comfort those in the body of Christ.  Don’t turn away from them for James writes, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning” (1:17, NKJV).   Over the years I have had many people, youth and adults, ask “what is my gift?”  This is often an excuse.  People look around at what others are doing and either want that particular gift–or shun it.  “Sometimes, we use the search for God’s will as a way to avoid what is right before our eyes.” (Bill Wilson).  A good example is that of the man who was struck down on the Jericho Road.  He was in dire need.  Religious people, leaders, walked by him, shunning him, avoiding his need.  The Samaritan saw him lying there, saw his need, and did something about it.  Bill Wilson has said that “your gift is your calling.”  
       Now that is true of both spiritual gifts and natural gifts.  The Lord gives gifts to each individual, that gift is to be used in His service for His glory.  Regarding natural gifts, to some He may only give one, to others as many as ten (the numbers are arbitrary).  If you have been given the talent in the field of music, you are expected to use it for His glory.  If you have been given the ability to lead others the same is true.  When you find your gift you are on the way to finding your calling for the kingdom.
       Paul gives us two very important ideas regarding supernatural gifts.  “Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant” (1 Corinthians 12:1, NKJV).  We are to understand, seek, and use these gifts and also those mentioned in Romans 12.  The second idea is found in verse 31, “But earnestly desire the best gifts…”  These verses are in regard to the supernatural gifts.  We are not to be ignorant of them and we are to seek them.  Also, let me give you a side-note regarding the gifts in 1 Corinthians.  Some gifts may be used over and over, while others might only be used only once.  If a person gives me the gift of a car, I will use it over and over.  However, if they give the delectable treat of a sweet, chocolate bar, I assure you it will only be used once.
       Use common sense in using both spiritual and natural gifts.  Again, don’t be ignorant!  Your natural gifts (talents) are also given to you by God.  They are not to be ignored for a reckoning of their use will come back at the dawn of eternity.  Don’t bury it, but put it to use.  Again, gifts are given that fit you and your personality.  If you have not been given the talent of singing don’t go off and try to get into the Metropolitan Opera.  (That does not negate the singing of praises to the Lord).  I had a situation occur once when coaching baseball (and yes, sports can be a gift).  One of my players came to me wanting me to watch a new kid warmup playing catch.  The person threw the ball to him and it hit him in the face before he moved his hands to catch it.  Very poor hand-eye coordination.  At that point, he did not have the ability to play baseball; it was not his gift.   A word of warning here:  all gifts are to be used for the glory of God, do not boast of them, do not use them for the world.
       One more idea regarding gifts.  “Every gift comes with a label:  You are responsible to take care and nourish yourself and your gift” (Wilson)  You must “feed your gift.”  “You practice it.  You develop it.  You work it.  You read.  You watch others…  You feed your gift by using your gift.  You use your gift in service to others, not in promotion of yourself.  The gift in you must not be disregarded–it must be demonstrated (Wilson).  “Not only do you need to feed the gift, you need to feed the keeper of the gift.  You need to feed yourself.  If your body fails, then there will be no way you can exercise your gift…  Keep in balance in all that you do” (Wilson)
       Do not be afraid of gifts, whether supernatural or natural, as they are a gift from God.  Do not be ignorant of them, or their use.  Find your gift(s), work on them, use them (and that includes supernatural gifts).