Coffee Percs

I was usually up first to put the coffee on and read from my Bible.”
                    –D.C. Adkisson  (Mal de Ojo)
Come on in, the coffee’s strong and hot and ready for guzzlin’, or if yuh prefer sippin’.  Ahh, blacker than the deepest canyon, and mighty tasty.  Shore does make the ol’ gizzard smile.  Pard, did yuh hear?  They’re at it again.  That’s right warnin’ us that the virus will be hittin’ its peak right soon.  Better be gettin’ jabbed, they’re sayin’.  Ptui–power hungry, greedy, control freaks is what they are.  Why all the folk I know that have taken the virus have been vaccinated.  Live in fear is what they want, but for shore that’s something this ol’ fence post ain’t a gonna do.  Oh, but it is election year and with the scare of the virus and the price of gas bein’ lowered–well, what did yuh expect?
       On top of that they’re sayin’ that this here “monkeypox” is a national health threat.  Well, what did they expect?  Go against God’s moral laws and somethin’ is ‘bound to happen.  Foolishness in the mind of man is what is causin’ this along with unfettered lust and mockery of God’s word.  Go ahead, oh thou great man and do what yuh want and then see what will happen.  Then yuh will want someone to fix it or pay for it all the time leavin’ God out.  
       Ahhh, that is shore good coffee this mornin’.  Say, Pard, the granddaughter knows me.  She went on a mission trip to California up near Mt. Whitney.  She brought back to me a nice wooden pen and coffee roasted right there in ol’ Californy.  Good coffee it was too.  Notice, I said was, for there ain’t none left or I’d have perked it up this mornin’.  Oh, and while I speakin’ of coffee, I went to a new little coffee shop yesterday mornin’.  I asked for a cup of coffee and they said they didn’t have any.  I questioned them askin’ if this wasn’t a coffee shop, and received the reply that they didn’t have that kind of coffee–regular coffee, that is.  My, my, what is this world comin’ to and this is rural Texas????
       Well, Pard, yuh better stop now and again to wipe the sweat off yur brow.  It’s hot, but then it is Texas.  The thing is that we need some rain.  Lord, send us some that refreshin’ rain.  Be on yur way, and have a good week.  Don’t forget to remember that the good Lord is smilin’ down on yuh and watchin’ yur step.  With that in mind He is also watchin’ to see if yuh remember to check yur cinch.
             Vaya con Dios.