Echoes From the Campfire

The landscapes of nature were a testament to God’s love for his children.”
                         –Troy C. Wagstaff  (.44 Caliber Preacher)

       “And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and gone tomorrow, won’t he more surely care for you?  You have so little faith!”
                         –Matthew 6:30(NLT)
I was driving on highway 224, which we call the windy road, the other day.  It is lined with wildflowers and the pastures around are full of them as well.  There are all kinds, most of which I do not even know what they are (shame on me), but they are beautiful.  Annie and I continued on to Livingston on the backroads enjoying the beauty that God gave us this spring.  The purples and pinks, the reds and yellows, I do recognize Indian Blanket,and of course the Indian Paintbrush and Bluebonnets made me thankful for the care that God gives each one of us.  Even if we have suffering and sorrow, the flowers are still there for the season in their magnificent bloom.
       As I was driving and looking at the flowers I began to think of those verses from Matthew where Jesus tells us to “consider the lilies of the field…”  We often might say, “Oh how pretty,” as we drive along, but I don’t think that we really “consider.”

               “So why do you worry about clothing?  Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow:  they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.”
                              –Matthew 6:28-29 (NKJV)

       We have so many worries.  Annie and I were talking the other night about why people worry.  Is it natural or something the devil has allowed to slide into our lives?  If we really trust the Lord, why then do we worry?  People worry about this and that–hmmm, perhaps when we find ourselves in a stew of worry we should look to the roadside at the flowers in all of their beauty.
       Something was brought to my attention while reading the other day.  We need to spend more time looking into the lives of the men and women of the Bible.  How did they serve God?  How did they deal with their circumstances?  

               “Consider Joseph.  When his brothers betrayed him, tossed him into a pit, and then sold him into slavery, I wonder how providential it felt.  How near did God seem from the bottom of the cistern of circumstances into which Joseph was thrown?  What caravan of questions and doubts traveled with him all the way to Egypt?  What clang of confusion arose in the prison where the accusations of Potiphar’s wife sent him?  Who knows for sure?  The biblical record is silent.”
                              –Ken Gire (The North Face of God)

It is hard for us to imagine the thoughts of Joseph unless we think of ourselves in his situation and what we would have thought.  Would we have questioned God?  Job did, yet not a word from Joseph.  Would we have been angry or in despair?  Hopefully we would keep our eyes on the Lord when we find ourselves in desperate situations.  That’s what Jesus was saying when He said, “Consider the lilies, how they grow…”
       Truly the Lord considers us much more valuable than the flowers that bloom in season.  He tells us not to worry, but to seek the “kingdom of God and His righteousness” (Matthew 6:33) then these other things:  food, clothing, drink, etc. will be added to us.  So, don’t be too hasty as you travel through life.  Take time to “consider” God has lessons for us and also wants to enjoy His presence.  He cares for us much more than the flowers, therefore, seek Him, consider Him, and quit worrying with the things of life.  Hold onto the hand of Jesus Christ, and let Him guide you in the way.