Echoes From the Campfire

A man’s work was his badge of honor.”

                    –Luke Short  (Hard Money)
       “For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, you are God’s building.”
                    –1 Corinthians 3:9 (NKJV)
There was a restaurant that closed down not too long ago in town.  I always wondered what happened as it seemed to be doing a good business.  Finally, another business owner in town told me what happened.  They couldn’t get anyone to work.  That’s a shame!  A thriving enterprise going under simply because no one wanted to work.  Recently I heard of another situation.  A young graduate secured himself a good job with outstanding pay and benefits, especially for an opening position.  He found out that he had to work on a Saturday and threatened to quit.  My mercy!  Yes, I know that there are those who throw their lives away working on a career, but at the same time there are those who would rather play around and receive a handout than to put in an honest day’s work.
       So what do we call these people, those who want their loans paid for them, those who do not want to work or do not do a quality job when working?  Sluggards!  Sloths!  Loafer!  Ne’er-do-well!  Bum!  Slacker!  And I’m sure we could add more to the list.  The Bible has much to say about work, and about an idler.  There is great dignity to work, and also to quality work.  Work is to be done for the glory of God and for the common good of the people.  Someone said that “we are called to live the eternal life now, in all of life, and especially in our work.”
       My Aunt once remarked to my Dad, that she thought “Daddy, worked him too hard.”  My Dad rebuked her saying that one of the most important things that “Daddy” ever did for him was to teach him to work and work hard.  Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes, “Nothing is better for a man…than that his soul should enjoy good in his labor.  This also, I saw, was from the hand of God.” (2:24, NKJV) and he continues “So I perceived that nothing is better than that a man should rejoice in his own works, for that is his heritage…” (3:22, NKJV).  Work is part of God’s plan for man; he was put in the garden to work it.  And in saying that, if Adam was to work, if that was God’s plan, why do we think we will float around on little clouds playing a harp in heaven?  No, there will be some kind of work.  When Christ comes to rule on earth, He will place some over ten cities, some over five, and so on–in other words, there will be work to do.
       Paul gives a warning, that perhaps those who bounce around or sit at home waiting for their welfare check, should give heed.  “For even when we were with you, we commanded you this:  If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat.  For we hear that there are some who walk among you in a disorderly manner, not working at all, but are busybodies.  Now those who are such we command and exhort through our Lord Jesus Christ that they work in quietness and eat their own bread.” (2 Thessalonians 3:10-12, NKJV).   As Woodrow Call said in “Lonesome Dove,” “A hard day’s work never hurt anybody”.
       Those who want their school bill canceled–work and pay it off.  Find a job, make something of yourself.  Remember, it is not money that makes the man, but the man who earns and toils for the money.  Money has an end; it is not to be loved but to be used for the kingdom of God as good stewards.  What happened to the unfaithful–the lazy steward, or should I call him the “sluggard”?  He was cast out.  People should know you by your work and the quality of it.  As the quotation at the beginning of the Echo:  “A man’s work was his badge of honor.”