Echoes From the Campfire

Here’s a primary rule of life on the frontier:  every threat, veiled or not, will be taken seriously and challenged.”
              –Stephen Bly  (Shadow of Legends)

    “For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, And His ears are open to their prayers; But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.”
              –1 Peter 3:12 (NKJV)
How to Live in a Pagan, Apostate, and Foolish World

Key Verse:  “We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one.”  –1 John 5:19 (NKJV)

I keep adding the Key Verse for it is vital for us to know, to realize, and to act upon if we are to survive in this wicked world.  Whether you like it or not, whether you realize it or not–you are a target!  Get that in your minds and etched into your heart.  The enemy would like nothing better than to destroy you spiritually first, then physically and mentally if he cannot get into your spirit.

         “As Christian people, as soon as we come into the Christian life we become part of this mighty conflict between the forces of God and the forces of hell, and we are involved in it whether we like it or not.”
                   –D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

    There is a danger if we do not remain alert and aware of our surroundings.  By surroundings I mean anything that can affect you physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually.  True warriors live their training.  However, there is always the temptation to let down.  
    Curiosity killed the cat, so goes the old saying.  Curiosity can also lead to casualties in life.  “Try it, only once will not hurt you,” the enemy whispers.  You wonder what “it” will be like.  Wham!  Out of nowhere, you or someone near you become a casualty and the devil laughs with glee.
    People tend to become complacent.  I have heard many say, “where is the coming of the Lord?”  They have heard this all their lives and then begin to become complacent, they no longer live their training.  They have forgotten to keep oil in their lamps for the day of His appearing.  So often, instead of standing on their convictions they follow the majority.  Woke sounds like the way to go so they become curious and become complacent and then comes sudden destruction.  And the devil laughs with glee.
    One of the biggest dangers that we face is that of compromise.  Just give an inch.  Don’t worry about cleaning your weapons today; don’t worry about reading your Bible today–the Lord will understand.  Come on, what’s wrong with meeting the opposition halfway?  Compromise is dangerous, compromise leads to pessimism.  The person who compromises will look around and come to the conclusion, what’s the use?  The devil smiles, and giggles with glee.
    Then there is the novice.  The new Christian who if not trained properly is a target for sure.  The enemy has several traps for them.  There is the lure of power and success.  There is the enticement of wealth and prestige.  There is the zeal of rushing into battle not heeding the words of veterans nor understanding all the pieces of their equipment and how they are to be used.  They must get busy to save the Church and all they do is wear themselves out, or make foolish mistakes, or do not take notice of their surroundings–they fail to hear the devil laughing at them and they get angry at those veterans who try to dampen their zeal.
    Abide in Him, abide in His teachings, don’t go out half-cocked, but be fully prepared knowing that there is a devil out there ready to wound or kill you.  Read the verses of yesterday and continue on through verse 28.  (1 John 2:18-28)  Don’t be alarmed (even at a pandemic), don’t wither in despair.  If you do these things then you are not reading the Scriptures.  In reality our faith should be strengthened.  Do not be one who falters at the troubles of these end times.
    This is not a study in Spiritual Warfare, however, one must understand and be ready to get into the warfare if one is to survive in this evil world.  I love some of the writings of J. Stuart Holden and will close with two of his quotations.

         “Opposition?  But that is what I am for!  That is what Christ saved me for!  Conflict?  But that is what I enlisted for!  The fact that there is likely to be trouble is the hallmark of the open door!  It assures me as to Whom has opened it!  Of course I will take care, God helping me.  But what am I to take care of?  Of myself or my entrustment?”

         “If I am in Christ’s way, how can I keep out of harm’s way?  They are practically synonymous, just one and the same thing!”

Do not be curious concerning the things of the world, do not become complacent in your life–your training, your first love–do not compromise the truths of the Bible.